
JAKARTA - The Election Organizing Honorary Council (DKPP) has imposed a permanent dismissal on a member of the KPU for the Tanimbar Islands Regency, Maluku.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to Defendant Herman Joseph Kelbulan as a member of the KPU for the Tanimbar Islands Regency since this decision was read," said Assembly Chair Muhammad while reading the verdict on case 09-PKEDKPP/I/2022 quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

The trial of the case examination for 09-PKE-DKPP/I/2022 was carried out on February 11, 2022 in private because it was related to immorality.

The act of being accused of having an unfair relationship with the complainant's wife (initials GML) is not justified by law and ethics. As a public official in the election management body, according to the assembly, teradu should be a role model for the community.

This unnatural relationship triggered a divorce between the complainant and GML which was granted by PN Saumlaki through Decision Number 35/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Sml.

Previously, GML left the complainant and lived with the complainant, changing boarding houses after their relationship was discovered.

Not only that, it was revealed that the defendant committed a series of acts of psychological, physical and verbal violence against his legal wife, GML, as well as the two children of the complainant with GML.

In addition, on the same occasion, DKPP also held hearings for two other cases numbered 04-PKE-DKPP/I/2022 and 08-PKE-DKPP/I/2022.

DKPP imposed two strong warning sanctions and one warning for election organizers in case 08-PKE-DKPP/I/2022. DKPP also gave warning sanctions to two election organizers in case 04-PKE-DKPP/I/2022.

Furthermore, DKPP rehabilitated the good names of six election organizers because they were not proven to have violated the election organizers' code of ethics.

The session was chaired by the Chairman of the DKPP Muhammad as chairman of the assembly and accompanied by members of the DKPP Teguh Prasetyo and Ida Budhiati as members of the assembly.

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