
TERNATE - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Class II Sultan Baabullah Ternate, appealed to the people of North Maluku (Malut) to be aware of bad weather accompanied by the potential for strong winds.

BMKG Weather Forecaster Fahmi Bachdar stated that the potential for strong winds in the North Maluku region to reach 50 km/hour could cause fallen trees and high waves in the waters to the coast.

"For this reason, BMKG appeals to the public not to panic and to keep updating the latest weather conditions, following bad weather in the last three days," Fahmi said in Ternate, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

According to Fahmi, his party has conveyed to various relevant agencies to be aware of the potential for significant-high waves reaching around 2.5 meters to occur in all North Maluku waters.

In addition, his party has issued an early warning that the weather in North Maluku still has the potential for moderate-heavy rain which can be accompanied by strong winds on 22-23 February 2022.

He mentioned the potential for heavy rains in Central Halmahera Regency such as Weda, South Weda, Central Weda, North Halmahera Regency Tobelo, South Tobelo, Malifut, North Tobelo, Central Tobelo, West Tobelo, West Galela, North Galela, South Galela, Loloda Islands, West Kao, South Halmahera Regency, Makian Island, West Bacan, North West Bacan, East Kasiruta.

For the Sula Islands Regency, it occurred in North East Mangoli, East Halmahera Regency:* South Wasile, North Wasile, North Maba, Ternate City, Ternate Island, Moti, Central Ternate City, Tidore City Archipelago:* Oba, South Tidore, North Tidore, Central Oba, and its surroundings.

Meanwhile, the Ternate Class II Ternate Harbor and Port Authority (KSOP) has temporarily suspended inter-island shipping activities in North Maluku and various other areas, following extreme weather in the last two days.

Acting Head of Port Authority and Harbormaster Office (KSOP) Class II Ternate, Safruddin admitted, his party had submitted a notification numbered UM.0031 5 14 IKSOP TTE-2022 and was addressed to the leadership of shipping/non-shipping companies, ship captains, owners of local ships/ferry ships/people's ships, Danpos KSOP Class II Ternate and all people who use sea transportation services, if shipping activities are temporarily closed due to bad weather.

According to him, the ships that have been delayed include local passenger ships/ferries, pioneers, Landing Craft Tanks (LCT), SPOB, and people's ships, especially the routes to Morotai, Sanana, Manado, Bitung, Batang Dua such as Mayau and Tifure.

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