
JAKARTA - The National Police will follow the government's instructions regarding the use of BPJS as a condition for managing public service documents. In this case, processing the extension of documents related to the vehicle.

"The instructions given to the National Police Chief are to refine regulations to ensure that applicants for SIM, STNK, and SKCK are active participants in the national health insurance program," said spokesman for the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Hendra Rochmawan, to reporters on Tuesday, February 22.

This is stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2022. It is regulated that all relevant parties require the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) for various purposes.

"If you look at the instructions above, the instructions cover all regident ranmor services, starting from the first service, there are BKPB units to various kinds of STNK services which are derivative products of BPKB services," said Hendra.

Therefore, said Hendra, the National Police will begin to make adjustments to the instructions. One of them is the improvement of regulations in terms of rules in managing vehicle documents.

"Improve regulations, especially Perpol No. 7 of 2021 regarding regiden ranmor which requires registration service requirements and identification of motorized vehicles with BPJS active participant cards," said Hendra.

In addition, the National Police will also conduct socialization and coordination with relevant agencies.

"Obviously the National Police must coordinate with the relevant agencies and need time to disseminate information to the public," said Hendra.

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