
SUBANG - The Government of Subang Regency, West Java will assist the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS) in the process of land acquisition for the construction of the Sadawarna Dam.

"We must immediately take this step, and it must be resolved as soon as possible," said Subang Regent Ruhimat in a press release received in Subang, Antara, Sunday, February 20.

The Subang Regency Government will assist BBWS Citarum in the process of land acquisition for the construction of the Sadawarna Dam. The land change issue should be completed before the construction process.

"As soon as we can finish it, moreover this concerns community-owned land, village land, and waqf land. It will potentially be problematic if it is not resolved immediately,” said the Regent.

Sadawarna Dam itself is one of the national strategic programs in the field of Water Resources. The dam is projected to be able to accommodate 44.61 million m3, to supply irrigation for an area of 4,500 hectares in Subang and Indramayu Regencies.

Head of BBWS Citarum Basari conveyed that the Sadawarna Dam will later supply raw water, with an irrigation plan of 2,517 hectares in Subang so that it can increase the harvest potential which was originally only 1 to 3 times per year, and reduce flooding by 12 percent.

The progress of land acquisition has now reached 64 percent.

For this, Basari asked for support from the Subang Regency Government regarding the land acquisition process. Because at this time there is still land that has not been acquired for the construction of the dam.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing itself targeted the construction of the Sadawarna Dam to be completed in August this year.

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