
JAKARTA - Cipayung Police are investigating a hypnotic phone theft with the victim FI (17) on Jalan SPG VII, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung, East Jakarta at around 20.30 WIB, Friday, February 18.

Cipayung Police Chief Kompol Bambang Cipto said that at that time the victim was on his way from his house to the shop. While walking, suddenly a man, a motorcycle driver, tapped the victim on the shoulder.

"The perpetrator pretended to call, then tapped the victim's left shoulder and then took the phone that was held in the victim's left hand," said Bambang Cipto in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, February 20.

Bambang added that the victim was silent without fighting or screaming for help when the perpetrator left the location.

Bambang said the perpetrators were free to act because there were not many people active around the scene. Meanwhile, the victim realized that his cell phone had been stolen when he arrived at his house.

"Members have visited the scene and met with the victim's family. We have asked for information, but the victim does not want to make a report," said Bambang.

Although FI did not report the theft for personal reasons, the Cipayung Police Criminal Investigation Unit continued to investigate this hypnotic theft case.

"We are still investigating the case. We have also asked the victim's mother as a witness," said Bambang.

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