
BANDARLAMPUNG - The Lampung Regional Police (Polda) will filter or screen migrants from Java Island who will enter this area to anticipate the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

"In the future, there are strategies that will be carried out, one of which is how we will cooperate with the Banten Province so that people from Java who cross to Lampung, at least they have been properly filtered in Merak and do not carry the virus to Lampung or Sumatra," said Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Hendro Sugiyatno, in Bandarlampung quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

He said that this step of filtering immigrants was not done without reason. Because based on data, the spread of COVID-19 mostly comes from immigrants.

"This is very important because from the existing data the spread of COVID-19 in Lampung is from immigrants. Well, this is what we need to underline together. So we have to work together with other regions, namely Banten Province," he added.

Hendro also had the opportunity to directly observe the simultaneous vaccinations held at the Lampung Regional Police Headquarters.

Hendro said the implementation of the second dose of vaccination in Lampung Province is still at 60 percent. This makes vaccination rates still very low.

"Lampung for the dose 1 vaccination is 80 percent, we hope we can get a maximum of 90 percent and for the people of Lampung who have just received the first dose, immediately vaccinate the second dose. Because the second dose is only 60 percent, there is still a difference of 30 percent from the first dose," he said.

In addition, the Kapolda also asked the public to immediately vaccinate, especially the second dose.

"I ask the people of Lampung for the second dose to be followed and vaccinated again immediately because this vaccination can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and those who have received the second dose of vaccine, please booster if time is sufficient. So that the people of Lampung can be healthy," he explained.

Hendro also said that cooperation with the community is needed so that the acceleration of this vaccination can be carried out.

"Because we really need a strategy and cooperation with the people of Lampung. We can't carry out vaccinations if the people of Lampung themselves don't want to cooperate. So I appeal to the people of Lampung, Omicron is real, so apply strict health protocols. We are not infected with COVID-19," he added.

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