
JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, wants the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror organization of the National Police to improve its capabilities, be adaptive to technological developments, be able to face increasingly complex challenges so that they are more professional in handling terrorism in Indonesia.

In his briefing at the Senior Level Meeting of the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 in Bali, Wednesday, February 16, the National Police Chief said the development of the organizational structure of the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 has received approval from the government with the signing of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) related to the development of the detachment bearing the owl symbol.

"Hopefully it doesn't stop here, it will be developed. I hope the number of personnel of 3,701 will be doubled. So that our colleagues (Densus) have sufficient strength, including the budget, facilities and infrastructure are also improved, as well as the capabilities of colleagues", said Sigit, quoted in a written statement received in Jakarta.

According to him, the development of the Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police organization is in line with the increasingly complex and increasing challenges in the current era of globalization. The development is also in order to optimize the role of prevention and law enforcement against criminal acts of terrorism in the country.

In his briefing, Sigit discussed optimizing the synergistic role of stakeholders and partners in the context of dealing with terrorism in Indonesia.

In the context of preventing and repressing terrorism, the four-star general asked the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 to monitor the development of international terrorism, in order to be able to adapt and develop the ability to face all forms of terrorism and radicalism challenges that lie ahead.

Another challenge that must be immediately answered by the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88, said Sigit, is adapting to the rapid progress of information technology development which is like two sides of a coin, providing a positive side, but on the other hand being used by terrorism groups in spreading their radicalism.

For this reason, Sigit continued, the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 must synergize and cooperate with all relevant institutions at home and abroad, synergizing with religious leaders and community leaders, in order to maximize the prevention and prosecution of terrorism networks.

"Friends must be ready to face change. The key is to learn to improve capabilities, develop the organization of Densus 88, increase personnel capacity. And I believe history proves that you are capable even though dynamics occur", said Sigit.

On this occasion, Sigit appreciated the performance of the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 which has affected the decrease in the terrorism target risk index by 52.22 percent, of which the target of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 is 54.36 percent, and the terrorism risk index is currently at 30.29 percent of the RPJMN target of 38.14 percent.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police also stated that the hard work of Densus 88 had a multiplier effect for the Indonesian nation, which had an impact on increasing stability, security and public order.

"Obviously, the stability of this social security system is the basic capital in order to increase economic growth", said Sigit.

Because, he continued, one of the investment capitals, both foreign and domestic, is by looking at parameters, one of which is how a country maintains the stability of its public order and security.

He said that in 2020 Densus 88 will enforce the law against 232 terrorism suspects. And in 2021 the prosecution of 370 people, including law enforcement against terrorist groups in Poso, until now there are three DPO (in search) groups left, and the pursuit is still ongoing.

On that occasion, Sigit conveyed President Joko Widodo's instructions regarding maintaining the stability of public order and security in 2022. Given that Indonesia will host various national and international agendas. Among them, is the MotoGP at the Mandalika Circuit, NTB, to the G20 Presidency series.

In the instruction, said Sigit, President Jokowi emphasized that international and national events must be ensured to run safely and smoothly. To maintain the honor and trust of the Indonesian nation in the eyes of the world. Thus, in all events, it must be ensured that the slightest act of terror does not occur.

"The President's directive, of course, this message is a mandate for the Polri institution and specifically for colleagues who are members of the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 to ensure that during the process of this activity there is no even the slightest terror attack", said Sigit emphasizing.

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