
SLEMAN - Deputy Regent of Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Danang Maharsa assessed that political education is very important for the millennial generation to be able to learn to work together, tolerate, be loyal to the nation, state, and be sporty for the welfare of society.

"Political education is important to raise political awareness, a sense of political ethics, and political responsibility so that people become polite political people," said Danang when speaking at a seminar with the Inter-Party Communication Forum (FKAP) in Sleman, reported by Antara, Tuesday, 15 February.

The seminar which was initiated by the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) of Sleman Regency raised the theme "Political Education Strategy for Millennial Generation".

According to him, the millennial generation, especially the novice voters, have a significant role in determining the victory of a political party.

Data from the General Elections Commission (KPU) in the 2019 Election of 186,612,255 Indonesians registered on the permanent voter list, around 20-30 percent are novice voters.

"The number of novice voters reaches 80 million or 40 percent of the voting population in the 2024 election. Of course, this is a very large number," he said.

Head of the Sleman Regency Kesbangpol Hery Sutopo said the aim of the seminar was to increase the understanding and knowledge of the millennial generation so that they can participate properly in politics.

"The millennial generation is expected to be able to participate in overseeing political dynamics so that the ideal of politics can be implemented," he said.

The seminar was attended by 80 participants who were representatives from 19 parties.

At the event, four speakers were presented, namely the Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa, the Head of the Sleman Kesbangpol Agency, Hery Sutopo, the Chair of the Sleman Regency KPU Trapsi Haryadi, and the Chair of Commission A of the Sleman Regency DPRD Ani Martanti.

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