
JAKARTA - The government has launched various types of policies and social security programs for workers to face various risks, both at work and when not working. Such as accidents, illness, death, layoffs, to situations of unproductive age.

The various types of social security are Work Accident Insurance, Death Insurance (JKM), Old Age Security (JHT), Pension Security, and Job Loss Insurance (JKP).

As for workers who have been laid off, they are entitled to severance pay, gratuity for years of service, compensation for entitlements, and old-age security.

The government has also launched a new program as a cushion for those who have been laid off, namely the Job Loss Guarantee Program (JKP) in the form of cash, job training and access to labor market information, so that workers are expected to survive and have great opportunities to find new jobs.

After considering the number of social security programs for these workers, specifically the Old Age Security (JHT) is returned to its function, namely as a fund that is prepared so that workers in their old age have assets as a living expense when they are no longer productive.

Therefore, the JHT money should be received by workers at retirement age, total disability, or death. This is in accordance with Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (UU SJSN).

The Head of the Ministry of Manpower's Public Relations Bureau, Chairul Fadhly Harahap, explained that JHT comes from the accumulation of mandatory contributions and the results of their development.

"The JHT program is a protection program for the long term," Chairul said in his official statement last week as seen from the ministry's website.

Chairul explained, although the purpose is for protection in old age (i.e. entering retirement), or death, or permanent total disability, the SJSN Law provides an opportunity that within a certain period of time, participants who need it can claim part of their JHT benefits. .

Based on Government Regulation Number 46 of 2015, claims for some of the JHT benefits can be made if the Participant has participated in the JHT program for at least 10 years.

The amount of some of the benefits that can be taken is 30% of the JHT benefits for home ownership, or 10% of the JHT benefits for other purposes in preparation for retirement.

In the PP, explained Chairul, it has also been determined that the retirement period is 56 years old.

"This scheme is to provide protection so that when workers are old they still have funds to meet their daily needs. So if all of them are taken within a certain time, the purpose of the protection will not be achieved," he said.

On this basis, the Ministry of Manpower issued Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenaker) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits.

In fact, the issuance of this Permenaker has gone through a dialogue process with labor stakeholders and related Ministries/Agencies. However, because there are pros and cons to the issuance of this Permenaker, in the near future the Minister of Manpower will conduct dialogue and socialization with stakeholders, especially the leaders of SP/SB.

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