
SERANG - DS (33), a man from Serang District, Banten, was arrested by the Narcotics Unit of the Serang City Police because he was suspected of being a drug dealer.

DS was caught while distributing hard drugs without a distribution permit or limited hard drugs (OKT) on the roadside in front of the Visenda housing estate, Serang District, Thursday 10 February, at around 15.30 WIB.

Head of the Serang City Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Agus Ahmad Kurnia, said that the disclosure of the alleged perpetrator began when investigators from the Serang City Police Narcotics Unit received a report from the public.

The information states that DS often sells illegal drugs around his house.

From the report, investigators then went to the field to conduct an investigation and spy on DS's movements.

From the environmental information, DS is known to often sell illegal drugs. When they saw the suspect's movements, the police immediately took him into custody. The officers then searched the suspect's home.

"He was proven to be distributing hard drugs without a distribution permit", Agus said in his statement, Sunday, February 13.

After searching the suspect's house, the police found evidence in the form of 1,000 (one thousand) yellow pills bearing the MF logo, which was suspected to be a Hexymer.

Not only that but the alleged perpetrator's android phone was also secured for development to a larger network.

“When we were interrogated, DS admitted that the item belonged to him. He got the item from buying it from someone with the initials, which we are still developing", he said.

For his actions, the alleged perpetrator must be behind bars at the Serang City Police and charged with Article 196 in conjunction with Article 197 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Police Commissioner Shinto Silitonga, appealed to the public to stay away from drugs and illegal drugs.

"We invite the public to play an active role in avoiding and fighting drugs, so they can help the police in eradicating drugs by reporting to the nearest officers, monitoring the behavior of our children, and supervising rented houses that are prone to be used as places for drug abuse", he concluded.

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