
SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said that the cumulative cure rate of patients with confirmed COVID-19 from various variants in the City of Surabaya, East Java reached 93.5 percent.

"Meanwhile, the recovery rate for COVID-19 patients with Varian Omicron is 86.05 percent," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

According to him, the Surabaya City Government continues to strive to anticipate and deal with the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the City of Heroes. In fact, he said, the Surabaya City Government has succeeded in providing appropriate and appropriate treatment for patients exposed to COVID-19, as well as patients exposed to the Omicron variant.

Eri Cahyadi said that patients exposed to COVID-19 needed varied treatments, namely according to the patient's condition, as well as the comorbidities suffered by the patient. However, he said, the average recovery of confirmed cases with asymptomatic symptoms and mild symptoms takes 3-7 days.

"But it is still recommended to self-isolate for 10-14 days, which is the optimal isolation period even though the swab result is negative. There is even a faster one, which is according to the immune system of each patient," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya City Health Office (Dinkes) Nanik Sukristina explained that the steps taken to treat patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, one of which was to provide a centralized isolation place (Isoter) and a paid hotel.

"We also facilitate the provision of treatment according to symptoms for free, consultation with clinicians and treatment until recovery," he said.

Nanik also admitted that his party had added health worker personnel, facilities and equipment for Isoter's place and provided a place of care for confirmed COVID-19 patients, either OTG (Asymptomatic Persons) or patients with mild symptoms.

"Of course, by completing all the facilities needed by the patient, so that the patient feels happy and comfortable. So that it can increase immunity and the patient recovers quickly," he said.

It is known, based on data from the page as of Friday (11/2), the total active patient cases reached 2,569 people with the addition of active cases today reaching 1,386 people, and total healing reaching 1,196 people.

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