
PURWOREJO - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo claimed responsibility for the incident that occurred in Wadas Village, Tuesday, February 8. Ganjar asked the authorities to release the people who were detained by the authorities.

"I am in intense communication with the Kapolda, Wakapolda and others, monitoring developments in Purworejo, especially Wadas. We have agreed that the people who were detained yesterday will be released today to be sent home," said Ganjar during a press conference at the Purworejo Police Headquarters, Wednesday, February 9.

Ganjar also apologized to the entire community, especially the residents of Wadas Purworejo regarding the incident. "First, I want to apologize to the entire community, especially the people of Purworejo and the people of Wadas. Because of what happened yesterday, some may feel really uncomfortable," said Ganjar.

Ganjar emphasized that he had taken a long process regarding the construction of the Bener Dam. During the process, his party opened wide space for dialogue to the public, especially those who still refused.

"We have invited Komnas HAM several times, because Komnas HAM is a neutral institution to bridge the gap. We ask those who agree and do not agree to be present, but yesterday when the dialogue was held, those who did not agree were not present," he said.

In fact, Ganjar was really looking forward to a dialogue between the parties. Thus, the space for expressing opinions can be widely opened to all parties.

"We are really looking forward to it, so we can give space, can listen to what we have to say and we will answer. We always invite the public to participate so that this work is smooth," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said, in that incident, his party secured as many as 64 people. The detained residents are currently at the Purworejo Police Station.

"Today we will return it to the community so that there is no tension between those who accept and those who do not," he said.

The police chief confirmed that no arrests or detentions had been made. It only protects the community so that there is no chaos. "Because when the measurement took place, the pros and cons were rubbing together. Those who were against were chased by the community who wanted their land to be measured. That's why we secured it here. Today we will return it to the community," he said.

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