
JAKARTA - Committee I DPD RI asked the Ministry of Defense to pay attention to the border area as an important aspect in defense-security enforcement related to state sovereignty, because border areas often experience complex problems. the weak. Therefore, adequate management and supervision is needed in border areas," said Chairman of Committee I DPD RI Fachrul Razi in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, February 7. discuss Law no. 43 of 2008 concerning the Territory of the State. Fachrul also encourages the existence of a strong synergy between the DPD RI and the Ministry of Defense in an effort to resolve various issues related to defense and security in all regions in Indonesia. One of them is related to the implementation of the Universal People's Security Defense System (Sishankamrata) which is a program of the Ministry of Defense. " he said.

Regarding border areas, Senator from East Nusa Tenggara Abraham Liyanto assessed that currently there are no rules regarding setting clear boundaries. He described the condition of NTT which does not yet have clear territorial boundaries, either for land or sea areas bordering Timor Leste or other countries. Bali has formed its own bill, please pay attention so that the border issue or the bill for the NTT Province is immediately available," he said. Deputy Defense Minister Muhammad Herindra himself explained that the Ministry of Defense's budget is very small compared to the area that must be protected. He assessed that the presence of reserve components through Sishankamrata is a powerful weapon in dealing with foreign military forces or threats that have high technology. As for the border areas, Herindra explained that the government has built border posts well. The government has even built the Border Patrol Inspection Road (JIPP) to improve the welfare of the people in the border areas. In the meeting, Deputy Chairperson of the DPD RI Nono Sampono emphasized law enforcement efforts and safeguarding security areas in Indonesian waters. One of them is by establishing a coast guard institution that leads in guarding the security of Indonesian waters. "All countries already have coast guards, only three countries do not, Timor Leste, Brunei and Indonesia. Even though Indonesia is a country with wide waters. In the future, we will carry out a limited revision of the Maritime Law in this regard," said Nono.

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