
MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi issued 10 policies to anticipate and suppress the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

The governor gave the directions and policies while chairing a virtual COVID-19 handling meeting at the Tengku Rizal Nurdin Hall in Medan, Monday, February 7.

"There are 10 policy provisions in order to anticipate the Omicron variant of COVID-19," said Governor Edy, Monday, February 7.

To all regional heads, Gubsu Edy asked that the 10 directives be obeyed and implemented, especially regarding face-to-face learning (PTM) which will be subject to restrictions starting today.

"Please, regents/mayors in the regions, I ask for this to be obeyed. Face-to-face learning is carried out in a hybrid way, 50 percent online and 50 percent offline," he said.

The 10 directives of Governor Edy Rahmayadi in controlling the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, namely face-to-face learning carried out in a Hybrid (50 percent online 50 percent offline) starting today, conducting random tracking to find COVID-19 cases in education units.

Furthermore, the temporary suspension of PTM if the positive rate is greater than or equal to 5 percent, conduct PCR swab tests for arrivals from Jakarta, Java and Bali at airports, ports and bus terminals.

Carrying out booster vaccinations for the elderly and comorbid, implementing strict health procedures at homes and places of worship, operating hours for shopping centers/malls are limited to 20:00 WIB, operating hours for restaurants/restaurants, cafes are limited to 21.00 WIB.

Ensure that centralized isolation in districts/cities remains activated for confirmed COVID-19 patients, and provide telemedicine services to patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19, especially the City of Medan.

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