
PURWAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Dedi Mulyadi highlighted the sanctions for violating health protocols (prokes) which often result in public disappointment, because these sanctions are only strictly enforced at the lower level.

"Indeed, sanctions for violating health protocols have disappointed the public a lot, because law enforcement is often stricter at a smaller level," said Dedi Mulyadi, in a telephone call, in Purwakarta, Sunday, February 7.

In the midst of increasing cases of COVID-19 in various regions, this has led to violations of health protocols that have resulted in sanctions.

The first health protocol violation case was the Tri Suaka, Nabila Maharani, and Zidan concert which triggered a crowd of spectators at the Kukulu Wine Park tourist destination, West Pagaden District, Subang Regency on Sunday, January 30, 2022.

In the city of Bandung, there was a crowd at the Citylink Festival Mall during the Chinese New Year celebrations on February 1, 20222. In the viral video footage, the mall was full of visitors watching the lion dance performance.

Looking at the two examples of health protocol violations, Dedi Mulyadi saw that there were two very different actions. According to him, officers are more firm when taking action against Taman Kukulu than Citylink Mall. In fact, from the number of videos circulating, it can be seen that the number of crowds generated is equally large.

On the other hand, Dedi admitted that he was surprised by the fine imposed on the mall manager, which was only IDR 500 thousand. This is 10 times smaller than the fine of a porridge maker in Tasikmalaya who was fined IDR 5 million.

“I heard that the fine in Bandung is only IDR 500 thousand, while the porridge maker in Tasikmalaya is IDR 5 million. Why is the mall fine less than the porridge maker?" he also said.

Even though the mall crowd and the porridge maker use different legal approaches, Dedi hopes that the government can be fair in giving sanctions.

“There should be a standard that is owned. This is quite striking, why the fine for the mall is only IDR 500 thousand, while the porridge maker is IDR 5 million," he said again.

In 2021, a porridge maker in Tasikmalaya was sentenced to pay a fine of IDR 5 million, subsidiary to five days in prison by the Tasikmalaya District Court for violating the rules for eating in places during PPKM.

The judge based the sentence on Article 34 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 21i paragraph 2 letters f and g West Java Provincial Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning Amendments to the West Java Provincial Regulation No. 13 of 2018.

In the regulation, it is stated that maximum imprisonment of 3 months or a minimum fine of IDR 5 million and a maximum of IDR 50 million are stated.

Meanwhile, Citylink Festival Mall uses a legal approach in Article 38 paragraph 4 Perwali No. 2 of 2022 which contains a maximum penalty of IDR 500 thousand.

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