
SLEMAN - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region appealed to the isolation patient shelters in the community to be reactivated to anticipate the possibility of a spike in COVID-19 cases.

"We hope that the isolation shelters in the community can be reactivated to anticipate and prepare early in the event of a spike in positive cases of COVID-19," said Sleman District COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson Shavitri Nurmaladewi, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5 .

According to him, these anticipatory steps need to be taken because the daily positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sleman within a week show the numbers continue to move up.

"More importantly, to anticipate the surge in COVID-19 cases, we urge the public to remain disciplined in the health protocols (prokes), and don't let their guard down or slack off," he said.

Daily positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sleman today, Saturday 5 February, for positive confirmation of COVID-19 increased by 122 cases.

"As for the patients who were declared cured as many as 16 cases and there were no cases of patients dying," he said.

While the addition of daily cases on Friday, February 4 for positive confirmation of COVID-19 increased by 159 cases, six patients recovered and no cases of patients died.

"Meanwhile, on Thursday (3/2) there were 149 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, three recovered patients and no positive confirmed patients died," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Sleman Hospital Novita Krisnaeni said that his party had made preparations and steps to anticipate a spike in COVID-19 cases since some time ago.

"We have taken preparation steps for some time, including re-preparing a special isolation room for COVID-19 patients and preparing about 40 percent of beds or treatment rooms for COVID-19 patients," he said.

Meanwhile, the person in charge of the Integrated Isolation Shelter (Isoter) of the COVID-19 Task Force, Sleman Makwan, said that his party had also prepared two Isoter shelters, namely the Hajj Dormitory and Rusunawa Gemawang for the isolation of patients confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"The bed capacity in Isoter Arama Haji Sleman is 139, while at Isoter Rusunawa Gemawang there are 101 beds," he said.

He said, since this week the two Isoters have been filled with positive confirmed COVID-19 patients who are in isolation.

"Our records are that as of Friday (4/2) night, Isoter Dormitory was filled with 94 patients from a capacity of 136 beds. Meanwhile, Rusunawa Gemawang was filled with 10 from a capacity of 101 beds," he said.

Makwan said, there were no domicile restrictions for patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 who would be isolated in the Isoter Hajj Dormitory and Rusunawa Gemawang shelters.

"There are no restrictions, it doesn't have to be residents with Sleman ID cards, any residents from domicile in Sleman or currently in Sleman, are allowed to isolate in the Isoter shelter," he said.

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