
JAKARTA – Two drug dealers of the type of methamphetamine, FR and FS, have been secured by the Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The officers seized 57.63 grams of crystal methamphetamine from the suspect's hands.

Head of BNNP DIY Brigadier General Pol. Andi Fairan in Yogyakarta, Saturday, said the arrests of FR and FS originated from intelligence information regarding narcotics illicit transactions that occurred in the Nanggulan District, Kulon Progo Regency, DIY.

"FR and RS are recidivists who have been repeatedly involved in drug cases," said Andi, quoted from Antara, January 29.

The officer, he said, received information that FR, who is suspected of being the controller, was distributing methamphetamine by selling catfish pecel to deceive the officers.

"This hospital acts as a courier," he said.

Andi said that while undercovering the perpetrators on January 28, 2022 at 20.30 western Indonesia time at a food stall in Tanjungharjo Village, Nanggulan District, Kulon Progo, BNNP DIY officers managed to catch FR who was selling.

The next officer, witnessed by local community leaders, conducted a body search and succeeded in apprehending the FR perpetrator who was suspected of controlling the illicit circulation of methamphetamine and obtaining evidence in the form of a mobile phone.

In addition, officers managed to arrest the perpetrators of the hospital who carried out a malicious conspiracy to receive, store, control, and distribute narcotics.

The perpetrators were arrested with evidence in the form of 13 packages of meth weighing 56.04 grams, communication tools, digital scales, and a set of packaging tools.

"Based on the results of the interrogation, the perpetrators of FR admitted that they had circulated packages of methamphetamine in the prison about 10 years ago and started back in early 2021 by inviting RA as a courier," he said.

The officers of the FR and RS as well as the evidence were brought to the DIY BNNP Office for further examination.

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