
JAKARTA - The PDI Perjuangan Fraction has named four of its cadres who are considered qualified to be the Head of Authority in the new State Capital (IKN), Nusantara, East Kalimantan. These names also have backgrounds as regional heads and architects.

They are the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok; Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini; The former Regent of Bayuwangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas; and the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi or called Hendi.

PDIP Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, said the name was raised because the party considered that they had good leadership and were able to build a new city.

"The party has qualified cadres, who have technocratic abilities, strong leadership, leadership who understand how to design the future of a city plan that really pays attention to the happiness of its citizens", said Hasto after planting trees and fish seeds in Bintaro, South Jakarta on Saturday, January 29.

Not only that, Hasto said the four names also have backgrounds as successful regional heads from PDIP. Because PDIP has indeed developed party schools for members who are part of the party structure, candidates for legislative members, and candidates for regional heads.

"They are also regional heads who are considered successful from the PDI-P. Because we are developing regional head schools", he said.

However, Hasto emphasized that all decisions regarding who will be the leader of the Capital of the Archipelago are in the hands of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). According to him, the PDI-P is entirely up to Jokowi.

"But the PDI-P insists that the decision rests with President Jokowi", he concluded.

Hasto said the most important thing is that the national capital is the elaboration of the strategic corridor previously designed by Bung Karno by making Kalimantan in Indonesia's geopolitical view a leader in the world.

Furthermore, Hasto said the new nation's capital city changed the paradigm of Indonesia-centric development which previously only focused on western Indonesia. As a result, various complaints related to aspects of inequality have emerged. Until there is dissatisfaction with the issue of injustice.

"It was changed with an Indonesia-centric conception that places Kalimantan as the capital of the country, it can be done well as a form of how Indonesia's paradigm changes for the world", he said.

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