
JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has provided an explanation regarding the statement by the Attorney General ST Burhanuddin regarding corruption cases under Rp. 50 million which will be resolved by refunding state losses.

The Kapuspenkum of the Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, explained the chronology until the Attorney General explained that the handling of corruption under Rp50 million could be resolved by refunding state funds.

The Attorney General's statement, Burhanuddin, said that the AGO was responding to various opinions from members of Commission III of the DPR in a joint working meeting with the AGO on Monday, January 17. There was a member of the DPR who discussed corruption cases with a loss of Rp. 1 million to the matter of misappropriation of village funds of millions of rupiah.

For corruption cases under IDR 50 million, the Attorney General's Office, called Kapuspenkum, has given an appeal to his staff to resolve it by way of returning state financial losses as an effort to implement the legal process quickly, simply and at low cost.

"As for the explanation above, it is the response of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia and the general appeal to be shared thoughts and obtain the right solution in taking action against corruption that touches both the perpetrators and the community at the grassroots level, which is generally carried out because of ignorance or there was no intentional robbing of state money, and the value of the state's financial losses was relatively small," said the Head of Penuspenkum in a written statement, Friday, January 28.

An example is the case of village heads without training who manage village funds of Rp. 1 billion for village development.

"This will certainly hurt the justice of the community, if corruption is taken, even though it is only an administrative error (for example, overpaying to builders or handymen's assistants in the implementation of development in their village and the value is relatively small and the Village Head does not enjoy the money at all). that)," said Leonard.

Another example mentioned by Kapuspenkum is that a salary treasurer makes a salary value that is greater than what should be received by several employees in a government agency.

"This is also a maladministration, which will injure the justice of the people, if these cases are handled using the instruments of the Corruption Crime Act," said Kapuspenkum.

Therefore, the Attorney General appealed to be used as reflections together with law enforcement for corruption crimes must also prioritize the value of substantive justice in addition to the benefits of law and legal certainty.

Preventive efforts to assist and guide the Village Head by the ranks of the Prosecutor's Office or the district/city inspectorate are very important and a priority.

In addition, efforts to raise awareness to the perpetrators to voluntarily return state financial losses arising from their actions are mitigating matters if the return of state financial losses is carried out at the stage of investigation, prosecution or examination at trial.

"The appeal of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia is not for impunity for perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption with relatively small state financial losses, but the discourse is opened for discussion to the public so that the prosecution of criminal acts of corruption is based on clear thinking about the nature of law enforcement itself, namely restoration to its original state. "said the Kapuspenkum AGO.

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