
KLUNGKUNG - Deputy Regent of Klungkung, I Made Kasta, reminded the school to increase strict health protocols after two students of SMP Negeri 3 Dawan School, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency, were exposed to COVID-19.

Two students were exposed, namely class VII, D Luh GMT (10), and class XI B student, Ketut DS (12).

"The PTM (face-to-face learning) in the two classes is temporarily closed for the next five days by being replaced online since Wednesday, January 26 and all students have also taken swab tests, all of which were negative", he said in a written statement on Public Relations of the Klungkung Regency Government, quoted by Antara on Friday, January 28.

While reviewing the spraying of disinfectants at SMP Negeri 3 Dawan School, on January 27, Deputy Regent Kasta said the government had made every effort to prevent the current COVID-19 outbreak by spraying disinfectant in every classroom.

The Deputy Regent also hopes that teachers and students will continue to improve health protocols (prokes) to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. In addition, the entire community is also expected to remain obedient to the COVID-19 health protocol.

"Let's continue to improve the discipline of this program as well as possible, hopefully, there will be no more cases of COVID-19", said Deputy Regent Kasta, accompanied by the Head of the Klungkung Regency Education Office, I Ketut Sujana.

Meanwhile, the Principal of SMP Negeri 3 Dawan School, Gusti Ngurah Anom Dwiputra, said two of his students who had tested positive for COVID-19 were class VII D, Luh GMT (10), and his senior classmate, Ketut DS (12), a class XI B student.

After that, his party conducted a swab test for all students whose results were all negative. "This shows that the COVID-19 cluster does not occur in schools, but occurs outside schools", he said.

He added that schools are already very strict in implementing the COVID-19 process properly. Spraying of disinfectants is also routinely carried out.

Meanwhile, online learning is being conducted for the two classes up to five days after the swab test.

"We at school are very strict in implementing health protocols, hopefully, no more students are exposed to COVID-19", he hoped.

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