Mukomuko Religious Court Building Corruption Case Handled By Prosecutor

JAKARTA - The corruption case for the construction of the Mukomuko Religious Court (PA) for the 2023 fiscal year is handled by the Mukomuko District Attorney (Kejari).
"We support the handling of this case and hope that it can be immediately revealed by the Mukomuko Kejari so that there is a bright spot," said the Head of the Mukomuko Religious Court (PA), Ermanita Alfiah, in a statement, Wednesday, March 20, which was confiscated by Antara.
Kejari Mukomuko is currently handling a corruption case in the construction of the PA Mukomuko building which is still ongoing at the investigation stage.
PA chairman Mukomuko said his party was ready to assist the Kejari, including presenting the state civil apparatus (ASN) PA Mukomuko as a witness in this case.
However, until now, he said, there has been no summons for ASN PA as a witness in the corruption case being handled by the Mukomuko Kejari.
He also said his institution had not been able to propose a budget to continue the construction of the Religious Court building which was stopped due to a termination of the contract due to legal problems.
For this reason, he hopes that there will be a bright spot in this case so that his institution can re-propose a budget to continue the construction of the PA Mukomuko building.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Special Crimes Section (Kasi Pidsus) of the Mukomuko Kejari, Gugi Dolansyah, previously said that the handling of the corruption case in the construction of the PA Mukomuko building for the 2023 fiscal year was still at the investigation stage.
He said the investigation process took time because the parties involved in this case were not domiciled in Mukomuko Regency.
"Most of them live outside Mukomuko Regency, some are even outside the island. However, we continue to process it," he said.
PA Mukomuko, he said, had summoned witnesses who were suspected of being involved in this case, but there were several witnesses who did not attend the summons even though they had been summoned several times by the prosecutor's office.
Nevertheless, he emphasized that his institution will continue to summon these witnesses and has scheduled the summons of the next few witnesses. Meanwhile, the condition of the PN building sourced from the 2023 State Budget with a budget ceiling of Rp. 18 billion has now stalled due to a termination of the contract.