Don't Let People Be Confused About What To Do If You Get Fake Money
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) was asked to immediately carry out massive supervision as well as socialization and education to the public regarding the alleged circulation of counterfeit money. To respond to the rampant circulation of counterfeit money, especially due to the emergence of cases of counterfeit money syndicates in UIN Alauddin, Makassar.
"Looking at the case, many people are worried about the circulation of counterfeit money. Moreover, there are also people who get counterfeit money. So Bank Indonesia must be able to increase education and socialization efforts to the public regarding how to distinguish real and fake money," said DPR member Charles Meikyansah, Friday, December 27.
Charles said that socialization of the characteristics of original rupiah currency, such as the effect of safety color and micro-text, must be intensively carried out on the community.
"Effective education can help the public be more vigilant and reduce the possibility of receiving counterfeit money in daily transactions," he said.
"BI must also provide clear information to the public regarding the steps that must be taken if they find or receive counterfeit money. Whether to report to the nearest BI branch office or what," added Charles.
Charles added that a clear understanding can reduce people's losses if they get counterfeit money when transacting.
"If necessary, BI will pick up the ball. It's a pity if the small community receives counterfeit money. Maybe for those with a sum of Rp100 or Rp50 thousand, it's not much, but for those who lack it is very large," said the legislator from the East Java IV electoral district.
The public is asked to always carry out the 3D method when receiving physical money as recommended by Bank Indonesia. The method is seen, touching and visible.
It is seen that there is a safety thread like a tapered on money and will change color when viewed from a certain point of view. It is touching where the printed results will feel rough on the image of the hero, Garuda bird, and the nominal value as well as in the blind code (blind code) in the form of a line pair on the right and left sides of the money.
Then it was scanned which showed a water mark (Watermark) in the form of a hero and Electrotype (ornament) image in the denominations of Rp. 100,000 and Rp. 50,000 and an inter-contained image (Rectoverso) of the Bl logo which can be seen in its entirety when it is beamed towards the light.
"It is also necessary to provide education, especially for workers who are related to buying and selling transactions such as traders and cashiers. It is very difficult for cashiers to get counterfeit money because they have to replace it with personal money," said Charles.
Members of the Commission in the House of Representatives in charge of Financial Affairs also encourage the public to come to the nearest BI branch office if they still feel confused about the difference between counterfeit money. Charles said this was to further ensure the authenticity of the money.
"Bank Indonesia can help to see whether the money owned by the community is genuine or not because they have a Counterfeit Analysis Center equipped with experts to analyze money that is suspected to be fake," he continued.
In addition, Charles asked BI to continue to carry out effective surveillance strategies. Including coordinating with the police and other relevant institutions to provide expert assistance as an effort to anticipate the circulation of counterfeit money and law enforcement.
BI was also asked to evaluate and increase the security element in the circulating banknotes considering that counterfeit money, which is now widely circulated, is difficult to distinguish and penetrates into national banks.