KSEI Targets 16 Million Single Investor Identification By 2025
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) targets the growth of capital market investors to reach 2 million by 2025, so it is hoped that the number of investors will reach 16 million Single Investor Identification (SID).
President Director of the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) Samsul Hidayat said KSEI targets the number of capital market investors to increase by 2 million next year.
"If the target, of course, KSEI has an internal target, it's just that we are always guided by the 2023-2027 OJK roadmap, support for the achievement of the roadmap, of course, from the investor side, we are targeted to be at 2 million again, an additional 2 million in 2025," he said at the KSEI 27th Anniversary celebration event in Jakarta on Monday, December 23.
According to Samsul, the capital market targets to reach 20 million investors by 2027. With the addition of 2 million investors annually, it is hoped that the number of investors will reach 16 million by 2025, 18 million by 2026, and 20 million by 2027.
"It's not only KSEI's target, but the overall target of the capital market and KSEI is part of supporting for the 2 million achievement in the coming year," he explained.
Samsul said that with the increasing number of millennials, it is estimated that there will be more cross products in the financial sector so that it will be easier for people to enter the capital market.
"For example, there are more and more savers, for example in banking, who may also feel like they want to invest in the capital market," he said.
Meanwhile, based on KSEI data from the end of December 2023 to November 29, 2024, the number of capital market Single Investor Identification (SID) grew 20 percent from 12.17 million SID to 14.58 million SID.
Samsul said that this amount is the number of consolidated SIDs consisting of stock investors, debt securities, mutual funds, state securities (SBN) and other effects recorded at KSEI.
In detail, there are 6.27 million investors who own shares and other effects, an increase of 19 percent from 2023, namely 5.26 million investors.
Furthermore, 13.76 million investors have mutual fund assets, an increase of 21 percent from 2023, namely 11.42 million investors.
Samsul also explained that the total assets recorded at KSEI as of November 29, 2024, increased to IDR 8.05 trillion, in line with the increase in JCI and market capitalization.
The increase was also recorded in mutual fund assets (AUM) recorded at KSEI until November 29, 2024, to Rp803 trillion.