190 Families Affected By Jebol Embankment In Sukatani Bekasi, Regency Government Performs Temporary Improvements
JABAR - The Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) repaired a broken embankment in the Cikarang River, Elo Wates Village RT002/RW001, Sukamanah Village, Sukatani District as an effort to deal with floods.
"The improvement is temporary as an effort to handle the short term so that the water does not overflow into residential areas again," said Head of BPBD Bekasi Regency Muchlis in Cikarang, Wednesday, December 11, confiscated by Antara.
He said the repair of the embankment was carried out together with regional officials assisted by local residents and disaster volunteers, by utilizing retaining wire materials and sacks filled with soil as well as aids.
"Thank you to the surrounding community who worked hand in hand, working together to overcome the problem of the broken embankment," he said.
Muchlis noted that 190 families (kk) were affected by the flood due to the broken embankment at that point.
In addition to repairing embankments, the local government has also established public kitchens to meet the needs of the community.
"The construction of this public kitchen is in collaboration with the Social Service. The location of the public kitchen is at the house of Mrs. Dewan Karsih, she also really cares about the surrounding community," he said.
He admitted that he had coordinated with the relevant regional apparatus to discuss the long-term handling of the damage to the embankment through a permanent repair plan for the safety of local residents.
Sukatani sub-district head Agus Dahlan hopes that the embankment at that point can be repaired permanently to provide a sense of security and comfort for the surrounding community.
"To prevent similar flooding some time ago, we asked the local government to repair the embankment permanently as well as normalize the Cikarang River around the collapsed embankment area. That is what the community hopes," he said.