5 Ways To Know Telegram Blocked By Friends Or Closest People

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been confused when the message you sent on Telegram was not sent or did you not get a reply? Maybe your Telegram account has been blocked. So how do you know the telegram is blocked?

Don't worry, there are some easy ways to find out if your account is really blocked.

This article will discuss in detail the signs showing that your Telegram account is in trouble, as well as the steps you can take to overcome them.

Reporting from the Airdroid page, here are the signs that your Telegram account has been blocked by someone:

If you can't start voice or video calls and are constantly receiving "Failed Calls" incorrect messages, it could be that the person has blocked you. Here's how to check it:

Step 1: On Telegram, open the chat and tap on the contact name.

Step 2: Tap the "call" or "video" button to make a call.

Step 3: If the screen shows: "Success call," it means the contact has blocked you.

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Another way to find out if someone blocks you on Telegram is to try to start a secret chat with that contact. Secret chats won't work if you're blocked. Instead, you may find a pop-up that shows, "There's a mistake, please try again later."

Step 1. To start a secret chat on Telegram to find out if you are blocked, follow the following steps:

Step 2. Open the contact profile of the chat window.

Step 3. Tap "Other" to select "Starting Secret Chat."

Step 4. When an error message appears on the screen, it means you are blocked.

You can't add someone to a group conversation on Telegram if they have blocked you. In addition, you can't see their profiles and names in the same group chat. Here are the steps to enter contacts into Telegram groups and then check:

Step 1. Direct to the group where you want to add contacts.

Step 2. Select "Add Members" and select the contact.

Step 3. If the contact has blocked you, he failed to join the group.

Have you seen the status of "last seen for a long time" on Telegram? The last seen Timestamp could mean the contact has blocked you or has been offline for more than 30 days.

Blocking the "last seen" status freeze will not be updated. That way, you may no longer have access to their Telegram activity status. Here's how to check and verify it:

Step 1: Open the chat with the person you want to check on.

Step 2: See at the top of the chat screen to see their last seen status.

Step 3: If written, "Last seen for a long time," it means they may have blocked you. To make sure they actually add you to the block list, just combine the above methods such as starting a secret chat.

If you have been blocked by your contacts on Telegram, your message on Telegram can still be sent, but the recipient cannot accept what you send. That is, your message will not be "read".

Therefore, if you see a check mark for a long time, this may mean you have been blocked. Additionally, because the person blocking you can't send a message to you, you can't receive a message from it.

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