10+ Examples Of General Implementation And Discussion

JAKARTA - One of the main successful ways at UTBK SNBT 2024 is to do frequent training. The reason is that by doing the problem training, you will get used to dealing with these problems later on D-test days.

You can use Skuling.id to practice working on UTBK issues with a timer. Thus, you can also know the time you need to do every problem and evaluate it. Here are 10 examples of general SNBT 2024 reasoning and discussions that you can work on with your friends at home:

36, 1, 72, 10, 144, 100, 288,...,....

Answering Options. 575 and 1000B. 1000 and 575C. 576 and 1000D. 1000 and 576E. 1000 and 579

Answer: D


In this type of general SNBT reasoning problem, you will be asked to find out the relationship between the first number with the second or third numbers and so on. Keep in mind that the appearance of this line of numbers is not always like this. There are times when the relationship between the first and second and third numbers looks not 'connected'. If so, then what is asked is to find a line of numbers of level 2.

In addition, in some questions the numbers above will also be replaced with letters A, B, C and so on. Therefore, make sure before the UTBK test, you have memorized the serial numbers of each letter.

Some farmers have trade businesses. All farmers have livestock for savings. So...

Answer optionA. All farmers have a trade business. All farmers have trade businesses and have livestock for a savings account. Some farmers have trade businesses and do not have livestock for savings. There are farmers who have trade businesses and have livestock for savings. No farmers have livestock for savings that have a trading business

Answer: D


The Universe of this ven diagram is farmers who have livestock as savings. Some farmers have trading businesses, so that in the ven diagram there is a farmer's set that has a trading business. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are farmers who have a trading business as well as have livestock to save.

Based on a series of basketball matches at school clubs, it is known that Andi's points are higher than Beni's points. Dina's points are equal to Eva's points, but higher than Gilang's points. Beni's points are slightly higher than Hendra's points. If Hendra's points are higher than Eva's points, then the following statement that is certain to be true is...

Answering option. Andi's point is the highest. B. Gilang's point is higher than Hendra.C. Beni's point is lower than Dina.D. Eva's point is the lowest.E. Hendra's point is higher than Andi's point.

Answer: A


From the information provided above, it can be concluded that.

Andi > Beni > Hendra > Eva = Dina > Gilang

Therefore, the most correct answer based on existing options is A.

To do problems like this, you can make the most of the blurry paper that the officers share.

Painters offer five paintings of the same size and theme. The price of the five paintings is determined by their beauty and color gradation.(1) Painting A has a fourfold price of painting B(2) Painting C has the same price as painting price A plus painting B(3) Painting D has a price twice as expensive as painting B(4) Painting E has a cheaper price twice than painting C

The best color and beauty and gradation based painting is...

Answering Choices. C, A, E, D, BB. A, B, C, D, EC, E, C, A, D, BD. C, D, A, B, EE. C, A, B, D, E

Answer: A


Assuming that B=1, the price of each painting is:

A = 4B = 4C = 4B+1 = (4*1) + 1 = 5D = 2B = 2E = C/2 = 5/2 = 2.5.

Therefore the order is = C - A - E - D - B

A group of builders is working on a Hall building construction project. They need a mix of cement and sand with a ratio of 2:5. If 16 sacks of cement are available, how many sacks of sand are needed by the builders?

Answer option. 40 sacksB. 45 sacks. 50 sacks. 55 sacks. 60 sacks

Answer: A


The comparison of cement and sand is 2:5

If 2X = 16 sacks of cement, then the value of x is 16: 2 or 8. Therefore, the amount of sand or 5X is 5*8 = 40.

Vetria has a water reservoir that, if filled with water, the volume is 126 liters. Currently, the water reservoir is only filled with 5/7. If Vetria takes more water and the remaining 2/7, how much water is taken by Vetteria?

Answer option A. 54 litersB. 54.1 litersC. 54.2 litersD. 54.3 litersE. 54.4 liters

Answer: A


The water taken by Vetria = (5/7 - 2/7) * 126= 2/7 * 126 = 54.

A student noticed that in certain seasons in a year, ice cream sales increased significantly. Based on his observations, he concluded that ice cream consumption directly relates to the increase in temperature. Can this conclusion be considered valid?

Answer optionA. Valid because it is based on a real-B incident. Valid because the increase in ice cream sales is strongly influenced by an increase in C temperature. Valid because there is a strong causal relationship between selling ice cream with a difference in temperature. It is invalid because ice cream sales should not be caused by an increase in temperature E. It is invalid because of the causal relationship between selling ice cream and increasing temperature cannot be explained


In the drawback of these conclusions, there are errors that lie in the assumption of causality. Errors in the assumption of causality occur when causes and consequences cannot be explained or concluded with certainty based on existing data. Simply put, data is needed that supports a causality assumption so that these assumptions can be considered valid.

Thus, although there is a correlation between the increase in ice cream sales and the increase in temperature, it cannot be directly concluded that the increase in temperature causes an increase in ice cream sales as well. There is a possibility that other factors can also affect ice cream sales.

Therefore, the most correct answer is e. It is invalid because the causal relationship between selling ice cream and increasing temperature cannot be explained.

XH, VK, TN,...

Answering option. TRB. RQC. TTD. RRE. SR

Answer: B


As explained in the question number 1 above, there are times when rows series on the questions of general reasoning of SNBT are composed in the form of letters. The composition of this letter is in the form of a number of letters themselves, such as A, D, K, M or 2 letters combined, such as the question number 8.

If you find exercises about general reasoning like this, you can determine the correlation between the first and second letters or the correlation between the first letters and the first letters and the second letters with the second letters. In the following examples of general reasoning SNBT 2024, what is sought is the first and first letter correlations and the second letters with the second letters.

The above letter series has the following pattern.

First letter:X - 2 = VV - 2 = T

So it can be concluded that the first letter after T is T-2, namely = R

Second Letter:H + 3 = KK + 3 = N

So it can be concluded that the second letter after N is N+3, which is = Q

So, the most correct answer is b. RQ.

All electronic devices do not have battery power or internal power sources. The X tool has an internal power source. Which conclusions are the most correct?

Answer Options. Internal electrical sources are only owned by non-electronic B devices. Tool X is an electronic device C. Tool X is not an electronic device. Some electronic devices have internal electrical sources. It cannot be concluded

Answer: C


To answer the question above, we can use the Tollens Mode for the most appropriate conclusion withdrawal. Here are the mathematical logic operators for both premises:

Premis 1: Equipment (P) does not have an internal battery or electric source (Q).Premise 2: Tool X has an internal electrical source (~Q).

Based on the Tollens Mode, P is an implication of Q. If Q is not fulfilled, then P is also not fulfilled. Therefore, the most appropriate answer is c. Tool X is not an electronic tool.

Based on this infographic, which statement is wrong?

Answering Choice. No IPA 1 student did not pass the theory or practice B exam. The number of IPA 1 students who passed both exams was theory and practice there were 20 C. All students in the IPA 3 class passed the theory exam. The number of students who passed the theoretical exam is mostly in the IPA 2E class. All IPA 2 students pass the practice exam

Answer: D


The wrong statement is that the number of students who pass the most theory exams is in the IPA 2 class because the IPA 1 and IPA 3 classes should be.

In addition to reading infographic images carefully, you must also be able to read the choice of questions carefully. Because if you are not careful, you can be fooled by choosing answer A, even though Answer A clearly reads 'IPA 1 students do not pass the theoretical or practical exams'.

Well, that was an example of general reasoning for SNBT 2024. You can use Skuling.id to access and work on other relevant SNBT general reasoning questions.