Jakarta Basketball Reflection 2023: Transparency And Collaboration Run Smoothly, Ready To Welcome 2024 With Modernization

JAKARTA - In 2023 it will end soon. Throughout 2023, the work program of Perbasi DKI Jakarta under the command of Lexyndo Hakim went smoothly.

Carrying transparency, modernization, collaboration, digitalization, and synergy since the beginning of being elected for the leadership period of Perbasi DKI Jakarta 2022-2026, the strategic steps are running well this season.

The DKI Jakarta basketball journey began with participation in the 2023 U-15 National Championships on January 7-15, 2023. The capital women's team successfully won the gold medal, while the men's team brought home the runner-up position.

At that time, Lexyndo appreciated his athletes who had struggled to bring the good name of DKI Jakarta, with very limited preparation times. In essence, achievements were born thanks to the full support of Perbasi DKI Jakarta which successfully collaborated with various parties.

"I thank you very much for the hard work of all DKI Jakarta men's and women's athletes in the struggle to achieve achievements in the National Championships. I make sure that our Perbasi DKI Jakarta continues to support it as well as possible."

"In principle, we are trying to support the coaching process for DKI Jakarta basketball athletes so that they can get good rights and services, especially in order to improve individual quality," said Lexy, Chairman of Perbasi DKI Jakarta for the 2022-2026 service period.

Speaking of other achievements, Jakarta again made achievements at number 3X3 in November-December 2023. At the 3X3 National Championships in Makassar, DKI Jakarta came out as the overall champion after buying medals from all age groups competed for both men and women.

In detail, DKI Jakarta won gold and bronze medals in the men's KU-16 category. Meanwhile, the women's team won the gold medal.

The KU-18 category is three pieces of money. DKI Jakarta won gold medals in the men's team and silver medals for the women's team.

Finally, in the KU-22 category, DKI Jakarta brought home a bronze medal for the men's and women's teams, with the participating 3 (three) provinces.

Two months earlier, the DKI Jakarta men's and women's basketball teams even married gold medals at the 2023 National Student Sports Week (Popnas) in Palembang.

This is of course the result of the hard work of all athletes, under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Youth and Sports Office, which on this occasion DKI Jakarta as a whole also became the General Champion at the biggest sporting event for Students in Indonesia.

Achievements are not just about medals. The DKI Jakarta men's and women's 3X3 teams qualified for the 2024 Aceh-North PON, as well as the 5X5 men's and women's teams.

Achievement is only one part that can be enjoyed from the success of the DKI Jakarta Perbasi programs. Information disclosure, transparency is one of the basketball factors in Jakarta, which is increasingly getting extraordinary enthusiasm in society.

Apart from that, many events in the capital city were also successful thanks to the support of Perbasi DKI Jakarta.

The largest tournament at the SMA level in Indonesia, DBL, finally looked at Jakarta as one of the important cities in the event. For the first time, DBL Camp set foot in the capital after previously always being held in Surabaya.

Jakarta is increasingly becoming an attraction after the 2023 Jakarta Series DBL final was lively using the largest basketball hall, the Indonesia Arena, on November 17, 2023.

Of course, this success cannot be separated from the disclosure of information on Perbasi DKI Jakarta as well as in collaborating and supporting any basketball activities for the development of Indonesian basketball in general.

Not to forget about Indonesia's latest event at the FIBA World Cup 2023, August 25-10 September 2023, at the Indonesia Arena, Jakarta.

Perbasi DKI Jakarta always stands to provide support and even socialize FIBA World Cup 2023 even though the Indonesian national team is not involved in tournaments.

The 2023 FIBA World Cup Trophy is already here. Then the participating teams will be present soon. Currently, maybe Indonesia is only as an audience, but hopefully with the persistence of our basketball patriots, also with the support of the government, federations, and the community, God willing, the Basketball World Cup will return to Indonesia again.

"So, it's not impossible, we hope that when we come back again, hopefully the Indonesian national team can become part of the FIBA World Cup in the future," Lexy said at the time.

At the regional level, Perbasi DKI Jakarta successfully held a Provincial Championship involving all coaching age groups, namely KU 10 mix, KU 12, KU 14, KU 16, and KU 18 men and women.

Kejuprov merupakan turnamen tertinggi setelah klub-klub bersaing di level kota/kabupaten atau Kejurkot/Kejurkab yang juga berhasil dilaksanakan dengan baik tahun ini.

The series of improvements to the capital's basketball also colored Perbasi DKI Jakarta's journey throughout 2023. Not only the focus of coaching and synergy with stakeholders, DKI Jakarta Perbasi also pays attention to referees and coaches.

Referee management and refreshment will be carried out in 2023. Not only that, the judges are also equipped with the implementation of the latest FIBA Rules or 2022. This is to create a better Jakarta level competition atmosphere led by field justices who are also improving in quality.

In addition to referees, licensed coaches C also receive structuring. The goal is clear that coaching at the club level is also upgrading with the presence of quality coaches.

Like the previous year, Perbasi DKI Jakarta often made breakthroughs. Not only talking about coaching, synergy, local competition, as well as improving the quality of referees and coaches, Jakarta basketball also focuses on the issue of modernization and digitization.

Gradually, Perbasi DKI Jakarta fixes the administration of member organizations (club). The ad hoc team was even formed to perfect the DKI Jakarta Perbasi AD/ART so that it is in accordance with the times.

This improvement has made members of clubs throughout Jakarta also lift and can manage themselves professionally.

Reflection on Jakarta's basketball journey in 2023 provides an overview of how transparency, collaboration, modernization, synergy, and digitization go hand in hand.

Perbasi DKI Jakarta always welcomes it with open arms for the advancement of Indonesian basketball in general.

A year has passed. Gradually, in stages, we carried out transparency, modernization and digitization in terms of tournaments at the Jakarta level, coaching, and even club management to make it better. If all the multidigital and administrative members are neat, of course in the future basketball governance in Jakarta will also increase.

The increase in the quality of referees and coaches is also a concern. If these two elements increase, of course, it will have a positive impact on the development of coaching at the club. The effect can be widespread, city/district level tournaments increase, even if it is at the provincial level or the Provincial Championship of the tournament atmosphere is of higher quality."

"In fact, the increasing regional level Jakarta tournaments allow us to talk a lot at the national level, such as PON, Popnas, Pomnas, or National Championships held by PP Perbasi. Furthermore, DKI Jakarta has contributed to the development of Indonesian basketball because more and more of our players can survive to defend the national team of age groups," said Lexy, who also serves as CdM Indonesia at the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games.

The journey of the past year has become a valuable lesson for Perbasi DKI Jakarta. Programs that are running well will be continued and even improved to look at 2024.

Big agendas await, such as Aceh-North Aceh PON 2024. DKI Jakarta certainly has a golden target for all categories, namely 5X5 sons and daughters and 3X3 sons and daughters.

"It's not perfect, it's still far from the expectations that the Jakarta Basketball children have been waiting for, but our nawaitu to continue to improve the administration of Perbasi throughout DKI Jakarta can go well."

"We must thank all Perbasi General Chairs throughout DKI Jakarta, including West Jakarta, North Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, and the Thousand Islands because collaboration and togetherness are the keys to Jakarta's success for Indonesia," said Lexyndo.

"2024 will certainly be a great year, where adjustments that have been managed for two years can be executed again. We are serious, there are challenges, we overcome them by providing good explanations and education to basketball stakeholders in Jakarta."

Several other things that can be a challenge are the desire to be in a line in a rule or regulation, both provincial and national cities/districts.

"There are no more regulations that change and are inconsistent. One of the concerns is the National Championship plan, for example suddenly there is an inter-club National Championship, suddenly there is an inter-provincial/regional, U-15, or U-17 National Championship."

"On the other hand, we are holding the U-14, U-16, and U-18 (even age) Vocational Offices. For example, what about the son, what about the daughter, don't have any information. I think this is easy to coordinate and discuss," concluded Lexy.

However, Perbasi DKI Jakarta emphasized that they obey the constitution and will always maximize the preparations of the DKI Jakarta basketball team to actively participate and take part in national events.

"We are sincere in helping basketball in Jakarta to be better, neater, more accomplished, and of course the most important thing is that we are ready to be friends, to become friends of all Perbasi colleagues throughout Indonesia, and ask PP Perbasi to also take a role in the good DKI Jakarta Perbasi management. "

"Happy New Year 2024, enjoy the happiness of your beloved family and those closest to you, to then move and play basketball again," concluded Lexyndo Hakim.