BPJamsostek Collaborates With Rawa Badak Village Invites Informal Workers To Protect Employment Social Security

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) Jakarta Cilincing Branch Office together with Rawa Badak Village invites micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to register with the Employment Social Security Protection (Jamsostek) managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

The message was conveyed in an activity entitled The Semak Perlindungan Pekerja Informal which took place at the Rawa Badak Village Office, on November 3, 2023.

Head of the Cilincing BPJamsostek Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, said that Jamsostek protection includes Death Security (JKM), Work Accident Insurance (JKK), Old Age Security (JHT), Pension Security (JP) and Job Loss Guarantee (JKP).

Of the five protection programs, continued Ani as Haryani is familiarly called, MSME players have at least two protections, namely JKK and JKM. For these two programs, the fees imposed are IDR 16,800 per person per month.

"For BPU cathogories workers such as MSME actors, every month they only set aside contributions of Rp. 16,800, and automatically follow the JKK and JKM programs with the same protection benefits as those given to formal workers or office workers," explained Ani, in her statement, Friday, November 24.

The benefits referred to include dependents on medical expenses to recovery if you have a work accident. During the treatment period, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will temporarily replace the salary of not being able to work.

"The number of replacements for the first six months is 100 percent wages. The second six months are 100 percent wages. While the third six months until 50 percent wages are recovered," explained Ani.

If the work accident causes the participants to die, the heirs are entitled to compensation 48 times the participants' salaries and scholarships for two children.

"If he dies from illness, the heirs will receive compensation of Rp. 42 million," continued Ani.

Ani admitted that these benefits are currently not widely known by informal workers. So that activities accompanied by socialization like this will continue to be carried out by the Cilincing BPJamsostek staff.

On that occasion, the Head of Rawa Badak Village, Suhaena, appealed to MSME players and other informal category workers in the Rawa Badak Village environment to immediately register as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants.

"We also remind MSME actors assisted by Rawa Badak Village to continue not to delay register themselves in order to obtain protection from the Employment Social Security program, because the benefits are very large," said Suhaena.