Spain U-17 Coach Admits His Team Doesn't Maximumly Take Advantage Of Opportunities

JAKARTA - Spain's U-17 attempt to break through the semifinals of the 2023 U-17 World Cup ran aground after being defeated by Germany U-17 with a narrow score of 0-1.

Their coach, Jose Maria Lana, regretted this and admitted his team did not take advantage of the opportunity.

Appearing at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) on Friday, November 24, 2023, Spain U-17 actually excels in possession of the ball and often spreads threats.

However, in the end La Furia Roja had to swallow the bitter pill. The penalty presented by the referee to Germany U-17 was successfully executed by Paris Brunner in the 64th minute.

"We had many chances to score, but in the end, we couldn't score a single goal," said Jose Maria Lana after the game.

Although the results were disappointing, for the whole Lana praised the appearance of her troops who continued to press and attack. He hopes that in the future the team will continue to work hard so that it can continue to grow.

"Keep working hard, doing your best. So that later become a better team," said the architect.

Finally, at the end of the interview, Lana was asked to describe her impression of the 2023 U-17 World Cup in Indonesia. He admitted that he was very happy to be in Jakarta because everyone served them well.

"Everything is good here, a satisfying service, a beautiful place. It's like being at home here," said the 48-year-old tactician.