Sri Mulyani Gelontorkan Rp899 Trillion For The Social Protection Sector To MSMEs
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that until October 2023 the government had issued as much as IDR 899.1 trillion for government spending which had a direct impact on the community in the social protection sector, farmers, and MSMEs, the education sector, and the infrastructure sector.
Sri Mulyani conveyed that for the social protection sector, farmers and MSMEs such as for the Family Hope program (PKH) expenditure of Rp. 19.6 trillion for 9.9 million Beneficiary Families (KPM), basic food cards reached Rp. 36.3 trillion for 18.5 million KPM, and health insurance of around Rp. 38.6 trillion for 96.4 million participants.
"We also provide food assistance from March to May in the form of rice, eggs, chickens of Rp. 8.2 trillion," Sri Mulyani said at a press conference for the November 2023 edition of the KiTa State Budget, Friday, November 24.
Furthermore, the seed assistance and organic fertilizer programs amounted to Rp1.2 trillion for 489.5 thousand Ha, agricultural equipment and machinery assistance reached Rp574.6 billion consisting of 14401 tractors and 2,116 cultivators, as well as livestock assistance of around Rp196.6 billion for 21,241 heads.
Kemundian untuk sektor pendidikan, seperti belanja program Indonesia Pintar mencapai Rp8,4 triliun untuk 14,3 juta siswa, program KIP Lecture sebesar Rp11,4 triliun untuk 189,7 ribu mahasiswa, BOS Kemenag sekitar Rp10,5 triliun untuk 9,1 juta siswa, BOPTN sebanyak Rp4,6 triliun untuk 197 PTN, serta program Kartu Prakerja sebesar Rp4,3 triliun untuk 1,2 juta peserta.
As for infrastructure sector spending, namely infrastructure development or rehabilitation spending, it reached Rp129.7 trillion for education, sanitation/sandland facilities, SPAM, roads, bridges, train tracks, airports, ports, dams and irrigation, and disaster assistance of Rp1.8 trillion for housing stimulant assistance for the Cianjur earthquake as much as 42.4 thousand families. As for subsidies expenditure and electricity compensation of Rp83.4 trillion for 39.6 million subsidy customers and 48.2 million compensation customers.
Then for LPG 3 subsidy expenditure of IDR 52.2 trillion for as many as 6.1 million MT, while for subsidies and fuel compensation it reached IDR 97.2 trillion for 13,327.6 thousand subsidy customers and 11,489.3 thousand compensation customers. Finally, housing subsidies reached IDR 724.2 billion for 177.6 thousand housing units.