Viral Man Claims To Be Imam Mahdi In Kudus, MUI Lebak Warns Residents: Muslims Don't Believe

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Lebak Regency invites Muslims not to fall into heretical teachings following the large number of people who claim to be Imam Mahdi, Nabi, Rasul to Angel."We ask Muslims not to believe in this confession, because it can be heretical and misleading," said Deputy MUI of Lebak Regency KH Ahmad Hudori in Lebak, as reported by Antara, Friday, November 24.This was conveyed by Ahmad Hudori in response to the viral information of a man named Muhammad Maulana Ishaq who claimed to be the arrival of the Prophet who made him Imam Mahdi in Kudus Regency, Central Java.People who understand Islamic teachings about religion certainly do not believe in this recognition.This is because some of the hadiths of the Prophet explained that at the end of that time there was a lot of slander by claiming to be Imam Mahdi, Nabi, Rasul and Angel.Therefore, Muslims in Lebak Regency should not fall into heretical and misleading teachings with the rampant recognition.Muslims, the only ones still adhere to the Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith as well as the results of studies by scholars who are mu'tabrah in their books.Actually, he said, it is true that later there will be Imam Mahdi who was sent with Prophet Isa in order to destroy Dajjal.However, there are special signs for Imam Mahdi, including those of the Prophet SAW, but did not appear in Indonesian territory and several hadiths explained in the Middle East.Of course, it is not easy for everyone to know the decline of Imam Al Mahdi and almost the same name as the Prophet Muhammad Bin Abdullah is the real Imam Mahdi.Imam Mahdi's presence was carried out by bringing the minutes to continue the footsteps of the Prophet SAW in order to free the people from all kinds of GROUNDS, laughter and confusion to unite the entire people.
"We remain vigilant and do not believe the confession of Imam Mahdi, Nabi, Rasul and Angel," he explained.