Speaking Of Clean Politicians Must Be Supported By The Party, PSI Example Ahok When In Commission II Of The DPR Faces E-KTP Corruption Cases

JAKARTA - PSI Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Grace Natalie assessed that clean, smart and good politicians must be supported by party firmness because politics is a collective work.

"It turns out that there are not enough council members, many are smart, many are good people, many people are clean, but if the party is not worth one with him then it's useless for someone to be clean and good there," Grace said when meeting interfaith and young leaders in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Sunday, November 19, confiscated by Antara.

Grace then gave an example of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok while still serving in Commission II of the DPR. At that time, Ahok's presence could not stem the e-KTP corruption that ensnared the board members in the commission.

"There was Mr. Ahok there, among others, but it turned out that he could not stop the e-KTP corruption case. The case occurred and many members of Commission II were arrested by the KPK. Does that mean that there are fewer good people, less smart people? I don't think so," he said.

He said, parties as homes of political organizations should have the same spirit as their politicians or cadres.

"If the person is smart, the house is wrong then it's useless because what applies is not the answer or attitude of each person, but the organization collectively decides what," he said.

Grace also said PSI had a firm policy regarding eradicating corruption and that his party had fired cadres who had deviated from the spirit of anti-corruption.

"At PSI, we have a very saklek policy. So, there is one person who is dismissed because he chooses to be the same as the other in terms of accountability for financial matters that are commonly carried out by other council members, but PSI cannot," he said.

According to him, if the cadre is allowed to take small money, the person concerned has the potential to take bigger money. Under these conditions, firmness of the party is needed.

"With the similarity of value, it's not only good people that we can push, but he will continue to be good when outside because his house is good," said Grace.

Grace said this answered an audience's question, namely Libertus from the Dayak Student Association, who asked about PSI's way of convincing youth that his party was the best in terms of representing the people.