Why Is The Passion For Sex Increasing After A Fight? Find 5 Reasons Here

YOGYAKARTA Someone who is married must have felt his sexual passion increase after fighting with a partner. Originally, the desire to make love that 'break up' after disagreements with a partner was normal. In psychology, more exciting sex activities like this are called make-up sex. Not a few couples are actually aroused to have sex after fierce arguments. So, why does sex drive up after fighting? Check out the full information below.
Summarized from various sources, Sunday, November 19, 2023, there are at least five reasons why sex drive increases after fighting with a partner, including:
1. There is an increase in hormones
When fighting, hormones such as testosterone, adrenaline and cortisol will increase.
According to Jenni Skyer, certified sex therapist, the release of the hormone cortisol can be triggered by stress. When that happens, the body and mind miss the closeness gained from sexual activity.
Meanwhile, sex therapist Andrew Aaronn said, orgasm and pleasure can increase serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and oxytocin. That is, the hormones that are released when you argue with your partner can make a person satisfied, feel in power and increase a sense of security. All these combinations can increase sexual arousal and end up with hot 'hot' bed activities.
2. Passion and anxiety
Adapting the Cosmopolitan page, passion and anxiety can increase the rate of jatung, blood flow and breath.
Well, when a person experiences stress after an argument with a partner, his sympathetic nervous system will be aroused.
This condition leads to a response to laws or running', thus making the body full of energy and motivated to take action. Well, the best way to channel energy is to engage in sexual activity.
3. Efforts to overcome trauma
A traumatic experience caused by quarrels can sometimes be associated with sexual arousal.
Citing the Huffington Post, Jenni Skyer argues that psychologically, fighting with your partner can trigger or touch part of the memory system.
Fear can lead to feelings of abandonment. Sex can reduce fear by increasing intimacy and rebuilding feelings.
4. Forget the fight
Based on research conducted by the American Psychological Association, a woman usually keeps anger longer than men. However, this anger will disappear when having sex.
However, this does not apply to everyone. Some actually experience a decrease in sex drive after fighting. If you push too hard, you may even become even more annoying.
Therefore, you need to recognize yourself and your partner. Are you both of the type of person who enjoys having sex after an argument, or vice versa.
5. Survive
According to Megan Gim, a sex psychologist and therapist, the need for sex is related to human survival instincts.
Our entanglement system is activated after an argument. When fighting, there is a sense of threat. It activates the instincts of 'against' or 'run'. A fight with your partner is indeed physiologically exciting, as is the case of fear and joy, so that the body is turned on, there is an increase in heart rate, breathing, and blood flow, "explained Flemming, quoted from the Huffington Post.
That's why information about why sex drive increases after fighting. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.