Gen Z Generation Highlights Police Supporting One Of Presidential Candidates
JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2024 democracy party in Indonesia. The Tasikmalaya City Gen Z Voice Generation suspects that the police are supporting one of the presidential candidates.
This was stated by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Discussion on Reflections on the Journey of Democracy in Indonesia, Andriana Nugraha, which was attended by various student organizations who are members of Suara Gen Z.
"Could it be that the police were involved in winning one of the presidential candidates?" said Chair of the Gen Z Vote Committee Ardiana Nugraha at Cafe Popo Kopi Tiam Ranburano, Jalan Djuanda, Tasikmalaya City, Thursday 16 November.
Academic resource person Ani Heryani said that he really appreciated the discussion on Gen Z's voice in reflecting on the journey of democracy in Indonesia.
There are several things that are rights and prohibitions. The context of this prohibition does not only apply to the police but also the TNI and ASN.
"One of them is prohibited for officers, both ASN, TNI and police, namely that they are prohibited from participating in practical politics," said Ani.
In the democratic election party in article 28 the Indonesian Police must act neutrally, that is, not involve themselves in practical politics.
In contrast to the end of their term of service, ASN and TNI and police officers have the right to participate in politics.
"The question is whether the police might be involved in supporting one of the candidate pairs. I suspect it's possible, but it's not the police, but the individual," said Ani.
When we talk about unhealthy democracy, it can be seen from various factors, one of which is mental or psychological factors.
Legal expert Andi Ibnu Hadi, said that, speaking of reflections on the journey of democracy, it is possible, according to him, for the police to be involved in practical politics.
Talking about the police being involved in politics to support one of the presidential candidates. The fact is that it already exists in Indonesia, especially with the new law regarding ASN, which is very dangerous.
"With the new ASN Law, the TNI can become Service Heads. In my opinion, this is very dangerous. So this is the task of the Suara Gen Z generation," said Andi.
If the police and army are trained to solve problems repressively. If the police take sides with politics, it is a political problem, not a legal problem.
"So the resolution of the police being involved in politics in supporting one of the presidential candidate pairs can be done by political means, one of which is through discussion or taking action," said Andi.
Looking at it from the New Order era until now, the democratic system has improved, different from before. In the past, the banners had just been put up and they would have been led away.
Now it's definitely safe. It doesn't happen like before. But the question is where will this democracy be taken and how?
One of them, Suara Gen Z friends from representatives of various universities who attended must be intelligent and read often, so they can build a healthy democracy.
"The theories presented by several speakers were quite comprehensive. Because what was conveyed was a historical flashback," said one of the Suara Gen Z participants, Deden Faiz Factjani.
However, if you look at the context, it is that the police were involved in winning one of the presidential candidates, siding with certain individuals.
"Personally, the context conveyed by these sources is not satisfactory. Because talking about the military being involved in politics in Indonesia has become commonplace," he said.
Meanwhile, if the military or police are involved in political norms, it will create discontinuity in society, because they have been influenced by politics.
"While I see the reality on the ground, in this discussion reflecting on the journey of democracy we are looking for concrete and credible data, because from our analysis police involvement in politics can occur," said Deden.
Therefore, with limited knowledge, several experts who are concentrated in their fields are invited to be able to ascertain the shortcomings.
"From our declaration, the voice of Gen Z invites all levels of society from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Island to supervise and pay attention to all Polri activities in every 2024 election activity," said Ardiana.
"We, from the voice of Gen Z, are demanding a major evaluation within the National Police as well as demanding the dismissal of every police officer if anyone plays in the 2024 elections," he added.