Suspected Terrorist Arrested By Densus 88 In Palu And Semarang AD-JI Network

JAKARTA - The National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 arrested two terrorism suspects. The arrests were made in Palu, Central Sulawesi and Semarang, Central Java.

"It is true that the arrest of a suspect in a criminal act of terrorism," said the spokesman for the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar, to Thursday, November 16.

From the results of the examination, the terrorist suspect who was arrested in the Palu area, Central Sulawesi, is a member of Anshor Daulah. While others, are included in the ranks of the Jamaah Islamiyah.

However, Aswin has not explained in detail about the arrest. This is because the development and deepening process is still being carried out.

"Densus 88 investigators are still working intensively," said Aswin.

Densus 88 Anti-terror Police arrested 59 terrorism suspects during October 2023. They are said to be affiliated with three different terrorist networks.

"During October 2023, there were 59 people from the Jemaah Islamiyah, Ansharut Daulah Jemaah groups, as well as from Anshor Daulah who were not structured," said Aswin.

A total of 19 terrorist suspects are members of the JI network. They were arrested in different areas such as one person in West Sumatra, one person in West Java.

Then, five people in South Sumatra, four people in Lampung, one in West Kalimantan, and seven in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

In their network, they occupy structural positions. In fact, the dozens of suspects are actively spreading propaganda on terrorism and radical materials both on social media and physical training.

"The 19 people we arrested were related to their activities as structural members of Jamaah Islamiyah", he said.

Meanwhile, the other 40 terrorism suspects are members of the JAD group led by a person with the initials AU. They are also supporters of ISIS.

"40 suspects are JAD groups led by AO who support Daulah Islamiyah or ISIS, they are supporters of ISIS," said Aswin.