Christmas And New Year Holidays, AP II Projects To Serve 280,000 Passengers Per Day

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) or AP II projects passengers who will be served during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays to reach 280,000 per day in all the company's managed villages. This figure is an increase of 5 percent compared to the same period last year.

President Director of Angkasa Pura II Muhammad Awaluddin said there would be an increase in passenger movements during the 2023 Christmas and New Year 2024 (Nataru) holidays. The increase was supported by the improvement in community mobility.

"For Nataru compared to the previous year, we estimated that this year there might be arguably a growth of around 3 to 5 percent. Because now people's mobility is already higher and we also calculate that there is a holiday season at once," he said when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15.

Along with improving mobility and also having year-end holidays, Awaluddin projects passenger movements to reach 280,000 people per day at 20 airports managed by AP II.

"The movement of passengers during Nataru is around 270,000 to 280.000 total at 20 airports, including Soekarno Hatta Airport," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Awaluddin, aircraft movements during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays are estimated to reach 1,500 at 20 airports managed by the company.

"We estimate the movement of aircraft during Naru to 1,400 to 1,500, today around 1,300 movements per day. Soetta remains the anchor airport," he said.

In anticipation of a surge in passengers during that period, Awaluddin said that his party continues to finalize the readiness of standard operating procedures (SOP) at the airport. One of them is related to the readiness of human resources (HR).

There is one assessment itself, both from the personnel readiness assessment. The certainty of the human resources is sufficient. So this human resource is sufficient and capable because our airport has 20 airports. So Nataru will be exposed all of them. So again this personnel is our attention," he said.

In addition, Awaluddin said AP II also conducts assessments on the existing infrastructure at each airport. He said, his party would ensure the readiness and reliability of infrastructure and other supporting facilities.

Finally, the assessment that we are doing is an assessment in infrastructure because it is high season, high traffic. So later the inauguration, for example, the runway and also the infrastructure readiness of supporting facilities, we must ensure that it must be in prime condition. Because if we don't, we will make sure this will be a problem at high season, high traffic and high passenger mobility," he explained.