Strengthen Digital Services, PNM Collaborates With Telkomsel

JAKARTA PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) collaborated with Telkomsel to intensify digitizing services to 14.7 million customers via the MekaarDigi application.

"This collaboration is a big circle for any purpose. We dare say that currently PNM is the largest lending group financing institution in the world. If the program blooms, 100 percent of the participants are mothers or women," said PNM Corporate Secretary Dodot Patria Ary in a statement Tuesday, November 15.

This collaboration is not only in the digitalization process, but also in the security of devices from data violations that have the potential to be financially detrimental.

In addition, Telkomsel's role in providing devices with guaranteed security and internet packages for Account Officer (AO) facilities can certainly increase customer financial inclusion.

"Telkomsel itself is very serious in encouraging and supporting the MSME program, especially from the digitalization process, not only connectivity but one-stop solutions that are concerned with the digital world," said General Manager of Account Management Business Sector Telkomsel Handoyono Hadi.

PNM and Telkomsel hope that this collaboration can improve the implementation of the MekaarDigi application by integrating the Seamless Mobile Authentication feature on the devices provided. This is a catalyst to continue to improve services for the sake of better digital inclusion.

This step is taken to strengthen the existence of PNM in improving the welfare of its customers. As we know, PNM continues to work to empower customers through financing and assistance.

"Financing and assistance are two sides of the currency that cannot be separated from one another. Until early November 2023, PNM has distributed financing of IDR 58.3 T to Mekaar PNM Customers totaling 14.7 million customers," said Dodot.

Dodot said that efforts to collaborate with Telkomsel are an effort to strengthen the digital ecosystem for all PNM customers who ensure data security and convenience in transactions.

"Who doesn't know about Telkomsel, we hope this collaboration perfects our digital services," concluded Dodot.