Getting To Know The Duties And Authority Of KPPU, Independent Institutions For Business Competition Supervisors
YOGYAKARTA The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) is an independent institution formed to supervise business actors in carrying out their business activities so as not to carry out monopolistic practices and / or unfair business competition. So, what are the duties and authorities of the KPPU?
The duties and authorities of the KPPU are contained in the Regulation of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission Number 1 of 2014 concerning Organizations and Work Procedures of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission.
The regulation states that KPPU functions to monitor and enforce the law prohibiting monopolistic practices and unfair business competition.
To carry out its function, KPPU carries out its duties:
Meanwhile, to carry out the functions of prevention and supervision, KPPU has the authority:
In carrying out law enforcement functions, KPPU has the authority:
For additional information, the establishment of KPPU is a mandate from Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unhealthy Business Competition.
With the establishment of this institution, every business actor in Indonesia is expected to be in a healthy and reasonable competition so that there is no strengthening of economic power for certain business actors.
This is information about the duties and authorities of the KPPU. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.