First Best South Tapanuli I-SIM For Regencys

JAKARTA - The South Tapanuli Regency Government (Pemkab Tapsel) is the 1st in the Integrated Sustainability Indonesia Movement (I-SIM) SDG's (Sustainable Development Goal's) For Regencies 2023 organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, collaboration with PT Surveyor Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Regency Governments (Apkasi), and the Regional Autonomy Implementation Monitoring Committee (KPPOD) to drive sustainable development in districts throughout Indonesia.
"Alhamdulillah, the initial process of 416 regencies in Indonesia was then caught 103 regencies. We passed the Top 10 and then entered the Top 3 of the I-SIM For Regency Program," said Tapsel Regent Dolly Pasaribu, quoted Friday, November 10.
The South Tapanuli Regency Government won the best national ranking out of 103 districts in the context of the Indonesia's SDGs Action Award 2023 with the theme "Sustainable Palm Oil HAtabbosi and Kelapa, Integration of Natural Resources Conservation Efforts in Hulu and Hilir Batang Toru River."
"We have brought Hataboshi and FOKSBI as local wisdom that has been running for 120 years from our ancestors. How to drain water to utilize rice fields," Dolly said.
The preservation of local wisdom of Hatabosi itself in order to support sustainable agriculture and food security, the availability of new renewable energy sources as well as home to various biodiversity, one of which is the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) which is an endemic Indonesian species.
"During Sustainable Palm Oil in 3R, namely rewetting, revegetation and revitalization so that palm oil on peatlands that are prone to fire, low productivity "turns" into oil palm land that is maintained by water level so as to reduce carbon emissions which at the same time increase palm oil production and early warning system," he explained.
Dolly thanked the judges for providing accountable assessments and trust to her party, including all parties who have worked optimally until the Sustainable Hatabosi and Sawit local wisdom programs managed to bring the 2023 Tapsel Regency Government to Win One I-SIM For Regencies.
The award was given directly by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa. After the Tapsel Regency Government, Bandung Regency was chosen as the second best followed by Temanggung Regency as the third best.
Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa in his speech said that through this year's SDGs Annual Conference, we can reaffirm our commitment to achieving TPB/SDGs with all parties to play an active and collaborative role.
"I hope that the Indonesia's SDGs Action Awards will further strengthen the motivation of all stakeholders and the community to continue to work together in real and concrete ways to achieve TPB/SDGs targets, which means that national development targets are also achieved," he said.
Meanwhile, President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, M. Haris Witjaksono explained that the I-SIM For Regencies is an initiative movement to support the sustainability of multi-stakeholders in managing sustainable development, environmental, social and governance aspects, including accelerating the achievement of SDGs at the Regency level. Through this program, the Regency government can disclose data and measure achievements in accelerating the performance of these achievements.
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"Congratulations to the three best regencies and high gratitude and appreciation to all district governments who have followed every stage of the I-SIM for Regency awarding process," said Haris.
He added, reflecting on the process that has been carried out, the responsibility of achieving SDG's does not only rely on programs organized by the government, but requires the participation of stakeholders at the site level to build good collaboration so that there is an acceleration of the achievement of each indicator.
This is where the role of Surveyor Indonesia is to inspire that every element of the nation's children must be able to make a positive contribution to the company, society and state. SDGs must be a joint movement, he said.
Harris added that the assessment carried out could also provide assistance from other parties in order to fund sustainable programs. One of them, through TJSL programs implemented by SOEs.
"This can be used by business entities, one of which is SOEs in the context of making programs, called matching programs. Between district and city governments, as well as targets in the preparation of TJSL. Hopefully our TJSL program can connect with district/city government programs, and then what kind of achievements will be monitored. Now this achievement is part of the contribution of SOEs, part of the ESG from SOEs itself," he concluded.