St011 Becomes The Last Retail SBN With The Highest Results In 2023, Can Be Purchased On

As of November 6, 2023, the government officially issued the latest retail State Sharia Securities (SBSN) in 2023, namely the St011 Series Savings Sukuk. With the offering period on November 6-6 December 2023, St011 comes in two types of products, which include 2011-T2 with a two-year tenor, a minimum yield (coup) of 6.30 percent per year and a ST011-T4 with a four-year tenor, a minimum yield (coupon) of 6.50 percent per year.

"When compared to the previous Retail SBN series, St011 is a Retail SBN issued with the highest yields throughout 2023. In addition, when compared to other state bonds with the same tenor, St011 is also still superior," said Angie Anandita Tjhatra as Head of Marketing, in her statement, Wednesday, November 8.

In addition, St011 has a floating with floor yield, meaning that if Bank Indonesia (BI)'s benchmark interest rate increases, the yield from St011 will also increase. For information, BI just raised interest rates in October 2023 so that St011, which has a floating with floor yield, is a profitable investment option if BI plans to raise interest rates in the future. The amount of STO11 yields will be adjusted every three months with the BI interest rate.

On the other hand, if the BI benchmark interest rate drops, the S011 yield will not decrease and will remain at the minimum yield limit, namely, 6.30 percent per year for St011-T2 and 6.50 percent per year for S011-T4. The purchase/minimum purchase for Sta11-T2 is IDR 1 million and a multiple of IDR 1 million with a maximum of IDR 5 billion, while the minimum purchase/order for St011-T4 is IDR 1 million and a multiplicity of IDR 1 million with a maximum of IDR 10 billion.

Angie estimates that the presence of the St011 Series Savings Sukuk will be greeted enthusiastically by the Indonesian people. This is due to several factors. First, apart from being 100 percent guaranteed by the state, 2011 is also a sharia product supervised by the National Sharia Council.

Second, the yield from St011 is also higher, the average interest rate for state-owned bank deposits, which is at 2-3 percent per year, and beats the inflation rate, which as of October 2023 is at 2.56 percent. Third, the tax imposed on STO11 yields is also lower than deposits, the SBN tax is only 10%, while deposits are deducted by 20 percent tax.

"We are sure that the St011 Series Savings Tribe will sell well in the market. In our experience of marketing the ST010 Savings Sukuk on May 12, June-7, 2023, public interest was very high. At that time, Bibit also succeeded in becoming a partner in the fintech category with the most sales. Moreover, St011 is the last Retail SBN with the highest yield in 2023 so that it is the last opportunity for people to buy Retail SBN this year," added Angie.

The yields paid every month are the reason that the 2011-T2 and St011-T4 can be a safe and attractive medium-term passive income alternative. St011 can also be disbursed a maximum of 50 percent before it matures in the early-redemption period. The 2011-T2 investment can be disbursed a maximum of 50% after one year, while the ST011-T4 can be disbursed a maximum of 50 percent after two years.

To be able to invest in SBN in Bibit, users simply click on the icon or banner of "State Securities (SBN)" on the application homepage and the Bibit website. In this case, Bibit partners with Stockbit Sekuritas to manage the listing and storage of investor-owned SBN Investor Fund Accounts.

Later, after investors make payments for SBN transactions, investors will receive transaction evidence in the form of State Revenue Evidence (BPN). In BPN, there is a State Revenue Certificate Number (NTPN) issued directly by the state and is proof of the ownership of the SBN purchased.

"For investors who buy St011 at Bibit, we also provide various promotions in the form of attractive cashbacks. As well as for investors who buy Sta111 faster on November 6-21, 2023, they can get a larger cashback of up to IDR 30 million," concluded Angie.