Jealousy Turns Out To Trigger Risky Behavior, This Is According To Research

YOGYAKARTA Out of jealousy, a person can choose risky behavior to appear'more'. Like wanting to be more beautiful, handsome, attractive, to find ways to keep their committed relationship maintained. On the one hand, it does look positive, but according to studies, it can encourage a person to do risky behavior.

The study was conducted by surveying 189 female undergraduates aged 17 to 37 years. Everyone is committed. To assess the level of participant jealousy, questions are asked about how often they suspect their partner is dating secretly with other people. Other questions are also related to their mistakes if their partner teases others, and how often they question their partner about previous relationships.

The researchers also explored the interest of participants in beautifying appearances, including activities with different levels of risk. For example, how much money is spent on goods and performance-enhancing services such as skin care or products, makeup, clothing, jewelry, and hair management. Researchers also asked how often women use facial cosmetics. Launching Psychology Today, Monday, November 6, researchers asked about their openness to cosmetic surgery. Participants replied, if they undergo a free surgical procedure, some of them would consider cosmetic surgery.

The findings of the study show that more jealous participants are trying to increase their appeal through various behaviors. In particular, women who show a higher level of jealousy are also reportedly spending more money on their appearance, are more open to plastic surgery, more willing to use membership tanning, and more likely to use dangerous diet pills.

Improving a person's beauty can help keep his current partner in the midst of the threats felt by his rival partner that may threaten the relationship. It sounds noble, even romantic. However, the willingness to engage in behavior that is clearly dangerous is a concern. Participants also ask the survey questions, what reasons encourage him to take diet pills that are harmful to health in the future. Apparently, one of the answers to that question is jealousy.

In fact, there may be many factors that cause a person to choose risky behavior to beautify themselves. Although jealousy is also one of the drivers, it may be necessary to pay close attention to. That beautifying yourself healthily can be an option. Including for self-development, which is more beneficial to yourself and does not endanger your health.