40th Birthday, Ashanty Hermansyah Fears Being A Victim Of Journalist Cameras

Singer Ashanty Hermansyah has just celebrated her 40th birthday party. At a press conference, Ashanty expressed her hopes at the age of four.

He hopes that at this new age he can live a long life in a healthy condition. Then he prayed that he could survive in the afterlife and be loved by his family and friends.

"At the age of 40, I wish you a long life, in good health, safe in the afterlife, loved by all of your friends and friends, this loves me," said Ashanty Hermansyah in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, Sunday, November 5.

Furthermore, Ashanty also expressed his hope that he would not become a victim of a journalist's camera that had gone viral some time ago. He even admitted that he was afraid to meet with the media crew because of this.

"You guys like fun, you guys sometimes, what do you look like? A journalist's camera. Why is it like that? I get a little scared when I meet you guys, haveuh," said Ashanty jokingly.