Bintan KPU Ensures Female Legislative Candidates Meet 30 Percent Quota

BINTAN - KPU Bintan ensures that the women's representative quota on the permanent candidate list (DCT) for members of the Bintan Regency DPRD, Riau Islands Province (Kepri) has exceeded the 30 percent quota.

Ketua KPU Bintan, Haris Daulay, mengatakan total DCT Pemilu 2024 sebanyak 321 orang dari 15 partai politik, dengan rincian 198 caleg laki-laki dan 123 caleg perempuan.

"The percentage of female candidates' representation is 38.3 percent, the rest are male candidates," said Haris in Bintan, Saturday.

Haris said the determination of the DCT for members of the Bintan DPRD was carried out based on a closed plenary meeting held at the local KPU office, Friday (3/11).

A total of 321 candidates who are included in the DCT will compete for 25 allocations for the Bintan DPRD seats from four electoral districts.

KPU Bintan has announced the list of DCTs to the public through print and electronic media on November 4, 2023.

In addition, the public can also access the information for the determination through the page.

After it is determined, he said, it is officially official that the self-image of each candidate has been attached, for example, names, serial numbers, titles and political parties as well as electoral regions to be socialized to the public during the 2024 election campaign.

"Although it is official, it cannot be campaigned yet because it has not entered the campaign stage, wait until November 28, 2023," said Haris.

Haris continued that his party would forward the determination of the DCT to the Indonesian KPU to prepare for the procurement and printing of ballots.

The KPU has also received approval from political parties that the writing of names, serial numbers and titles after the funeral is appropriate.

"We will report it to the Indonesian KPU for printing of ballot logistics," said Haris.