PPP: The DPR's Questionnaire Rights Regarding The Constitutional Court's Decision Are Being Reviewed
JAKARTA - The proposal for the right of inquiry related to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the age limit for presidential/cawapres candidates is being studied by the faction in the DPR, said United Development Party (PPP) politician Achmad Baidowi.
"Usually based on law, the right of inquiry is carried out to the government. Meanwhile, the questionnaire today is the inquiry to the Constitutional Court," Baidowi said in an online discussion themed "Consecution of the Constitutional Court Decision" reported by ANTARA, Saturday, November 4.
The member of the DPR said that the DPR has the right to supervise. The Constitutional Court's decision can later be described starting from the reasons for the verdict to its relation to the government.
"Why did the Constitutional Court's decision arise like that? What does it have to do with the Government? And so on," said Achmad Baidowi.
However, he said, the idea of the right to inquiry was a constitutional political right proposed by PDI-P politician Masinton Pasaribu during the DPR RI Plenary Meeting.
"The funny thing is that Masinton's submission at the plenary meeting was reported to the Honorary Court of the House of Representatives (MKD). So, we are struggling to submit suggestions in the official forum to the MKD," Baidowi said.
It was also emphasized that expressing opinions in constitutional spaces such as plenary meetings has been protected by law.
"Even if we think then through official forums that are protected by law, then it is reported, maybe 580 members of the DPR will be afraid (of getting) all of them later," Baidowi said.
Previously, PDI-P politician Masinton Pasaribu expressed his opinion that the DPR should use the right to inquiry against the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 which stipulates that the age limit for presidential/vice presidential candidates is no lower than 40 years or has been / is currently in the position chosen through general elections, including regional head elections.
Masinton's opinion was conveyed at the 8th Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI Session Period II for the 2023 '2024 Session Year in Jakarta, Tuesday (31/10). The Honorary Assembly of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) is currently handling reports related to alleged violations of the code of ethics by nine MK judges in deciding cases related to the presidential/vice presidential age limit.