Detention Period Of 2 Suspects Runs Out, Police Make Sure To Continue The Process Of Corruption Cases In The Land Of Zikir Banda Aceh
BANDA ACEH - Banda Aceh Police confirmed that the alleged corruption case of the zikr Nurul Arafah Islamic Center Gampong Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh continued until the trial, even though the detention period of two of the three suspects had ended.
"Although the detention period has expired, the police are still continuing the case that caused state losses of up to Rp. 1 billion (based on the results of this BPKP audit)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadillah Aditya Pratama, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.
The two suspects whose detention periods have expired are DA as the former Keuchik Gampong Ulee Lheue and SH who are currently still the Head of the Ulee Lheue Government in Banda Aceh.
Both, said Fadillah, were detained for 120 days from July 4, 2023 to October 31, 2023, while investigators completed their case files to be heard. Currently, the Public Prosecutor is still investigating the case.
"The prosecutor (Kejari Banda Aceh) is still investigating the witnesses who are criminal and land experts," he said.
Fadillah explained that the detention period for DA and SH could no longer be extended in accordance with applicable regulations and was stated in Article 29 paragraph 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Pascape was arrested, both of them have been detained at the Banda Aceh Police Headquarters for 20 days. Then, the DA and SH detention period was extended for 40 days. Investigators then transferred the case files to the prosecutor.
At that time, said Fadillah, the Public Prosecutor returned the case file on the grounds that there were a number of things that had not been completed. Until finally, their detention period was extended again for 60 days while investigators completed the file.
"However, this case does not stop here, the investigation continues until the prosecutor determines the complete file (P21) and investigators proceed to phase two by handing over the suspect and evidence to the prosecutor," he said.
He said, in general, the coordination of investigators with the public prosecutor has been carried out. This is a form of criminal justice system (CJS), where there is a role for prosecutors in researching for the sake of completing a case file for prosecution.
The mechanism is based on criminal procedural law laws, namely Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).
"The confirmation of this case was not released by the suspect, but the detention period had expired, and of course the process case continued until the trial," he said.
Meanwhile, continued Fadillah, for another suspect, namely the Head of the Banda Aceh City PUPR Service M Yasir, is still being held at the Banda Aceh Police Headquarters until the end of November 2023.
"Investigators are also still completing MY case files to be transferred to the prosecutor's office for the sake of further legal proceedings," said Kompol Fadillah.
As is known, the Banda Aceh Police Satreskrim is investigating a case of alleged corruption in the procurement of the zhikr Nurul Arafah Islamic Center in Gampong Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh.
The land acquisition project was sourced from APBK funds in 2018 to more than Rp. 3 billion. In that case, three people have been named as suspects, namely DA, SH and Head of PUPR Banda Aceh.
Apart from the suspect, the police also confiscated a number of assets in the form of three parcels of land and others. The results of the BPKP audit also stated that there was a state loss of up to Rp. 1 billion in these activities.