Gibran Rakabuming Raka's Hidden Profit

JAKARTA Gibran Rakabuming Raka has officially become a candidate for vice president in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). The eldest son of President Joko Widodo will accompany presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto who will be promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition.

The Prabowo and Gibran pair registered at the General Election Commission (KPU) on Wednesday, October 25 and underwent a medical examination process at the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital the next day, Thursday, October 26. On 27 October, the KPU stated that the three pairs, namely Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD and Prabowo-Gibran, passed the medical test. If they pass the follow-up verification process, the three pairs will be determined by the KPU, November 13 as pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024.

If it is pulled back, Gibran is promoted as a candidate for vice president to cause controversy. The Mayor of Solo can contest the 2024 presidential election due to the granting of judicial review of Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections related to the minimum age limit of a presidential and vice presidential candidate by the Constitutional Court (MK).

Apart from the controversy over the Constitutional Court's decision led by Anwar Usman, Gibran's uncle of Gibran's election to accompany Prabowo, Fahri Hamzah, is for the sustainability of the national program and reconciliation that Jokowi has carried out.

"The public can see Jokowi's 'face' in the Prabowo-Gibran pair. Thus, the people need not hesitate with the sustainability of the Jokowi government development and reconciliation program," he said, Monday, October 30.

The deputy chairman of the DPR for the 2014-2019 period asked the public not to see Gibran in terms of young age. According to Fahri, Selvi Ananda's husband has at least had experience in the bureaucracy or executive environment by becoming the Mayor of Solo to date.

In addition, Gibran in the 2024 presidential election is also only carried as a vice presidential candidate, not a presidential candidate. So far, Fahri continued, the function of the vice president is only as symbolic. A new vice president has a task if given or ordered by the president.

"In a democracy that runs in Indonesia, the vice president is only symbolic. The vice president will function if he is given the task or mandate by his president," added the Deputy Chairperson of the Gelora Party.

Jokowi's Prolongance

A VOI source who is close to the palace revealed that it is true that Jokowi's election reflects the sustainability of Jokowi's national program and reconciliation. However, the figure of Gibran will also be an extension of Jokowi if Prabowo-Gibran wins the 2024 presidential election.

"Pak Jokowi can remind Pak Prabowo through Gibran if there is a government program or direction that deviates from the initial program that has been run by the Jokowi government. In other words, Pak Jokowi can knock on Pak Prabowo's door via Gibran," said the source.

Not to mention when talking about issues that are always 'fried' when Prabowo runs for presidential candidate. Yes, of course, regarding the presence of a First Lady. In Indonesia, the obligation of a president to have a wife is not regulated in the legislation. The position and authority of a First Lady is only regulated in Presidential Decree No. 141 of 1999 concerning the Presidential Secretariat and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of 2007 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 40 of 2005 concerning the Presidential Special Staff which is then mentioned by the Presidential Decree on the Presidential Special Staff.

A First Lady is considered important, especially when accompanying the president in carrying out his duties, especially when it comes to gatherings of state guests. This is what makes the rumors about Gibran (in this case Selvi Ananda) increasingly wild.

In 2018, the wife of the Vice President at that time Jusuf Kalla, Mufidah Jusuf Kalla, replaced the duties of First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, who was unable to continue her working visit to East Nusa Tenggara because she was still in Solo attending her besan funeral, Didit Supriyadi.

At that time, all events of the Organization for the Solidarity of the Wife of the Era (OASE) of the Working Cabinet (KK) which should have been led by Iriana were taken over by Mufidah. This is considered to open up opportunities for Gibran and his wife, Selvi will be more 'dominant' than Prabowo.

However, the rumors were dismissed by a constitutional law expert from Untag Surabaya, Hufron. According to him, although the existence of the First Lady is very important, if a president does not have a companion then it is not a problem because it is not regulated in the constitution and other laws.

He stated, if there is an Indonesian President who does not have a companion, then the president concerned has the right to appoint or not even appoint anyone to become the First Lady, because neither the constitution nor the law are strictly regulated regarding the existence, position and authority of the First Lady.

"So the president has the right to appoint anyone as the First Lady, it is not automatically the wife of the vice president who is the First Lady," said Hufron.

Rumors Of Replacing Prabowo As President

Finally, there was an issue on social media that Prabowo Subianto had been infected with a stroke twice. The narrative developed by the rumors is very dangerous to put the burden of statehood on the shoulders of a person who has health problems.

The rumor linked Gibran's position to replace Prabowo if they won the 2024 presidential election. Because, according to Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution, the president will be replaced by the vice president if he dies, stops, is dismissed or unable to carry out his obligations.

A political researcher from ISEAS, Yusof Ishak Institute Singapore, Made Supriatma, in his statement confirmed that Gibran could replace Prabowo in accordance with statutory regulations. But what is of concern is that if this happens, it is the lack of Gibran's experience in managing the country.

"The consequence is that if something happens to the president, Gibran must take over power with such a young age, such as minimal experience, does it not cause a crisis?" he said.

This, continued Made, opens up opportunities for Gibran's figure to be used by other big political players. "This can be a complicated problem. With minimal experience, is Gibran able to absorb input from the president's advisers?" he added.

Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Budisatrio Djiwandono, denied that Prabowo had even suffered a stroke twice. He emphasized that Prabowo was in very good health and was proven from the results of the medical examination conducted at the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital.

"The issue is not true, because Pak Prabowo has no history of stroke," he said.

Therefore, he asked all parties not to make assumptions and speculate about Prabowo's health if he won the 2024 presidential election. Especially if it is related to the possibility that Gibran Rakabuming Raka will replace Prabowo as president on the grounds of Prabowo Subianto's health.

"Don't think too much and believe in the conspiracy theoretical model that Mas Gibran will later replace Pak Prabowo as president. That's too far, because in fact both are in good health, fit and fit as stated by the RSPAD team of doctors," said Budi.

Head of Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, Albertus Budi Sulistya also clarified that information related to Prabowo having been hit by a stroke twice was baseless news. Because, based on the results of the medical tests carried out, there are no signs that the Minister of Defense had suffered from a stroke.

He explained that the health examination team for the prospective pair of candidates participating in the 2024 presidential election had carried out their duties to carry out very well the health checks. Health checks on prospective presidential and vice presidential candidates include several different health tests.

"So, if Pak Prabowo is said to have had a stroke, he will definitely be seen when he undergoes a medical test," he added.

In addition, Budi continued, when he was partnered with the KPU to examine the prospective presidential and vice presidential candidates, his party immediately formed a professional and independent team. Budi has also written to the Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin to include representatives from the medical collegium into an examination team.

In addition, the members of the health examination team also consisted of representatives of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and the Indonesian Psychology Association. Thus, this team has many, several components; a team of doctors from RSPAD, a team from collegium, and from BNN, as well as from the Indonesian Psychology Association," explained Budi.

Ketua KPU, Hasyim Asy'ari juga menegaskan bahwa dari hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilakukan RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, semua pasangan bakal capres dan cawapres dipastikan mampu untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai presiden dan wapresiden. Selain itu, seluruh bakal paslon juga dinyatakan lebih dari penyalahan penggunaan narkoba