According To Dermatologists, Here Are 7 Ways To Prevent Dry Lips And Breaks
YOGYAKARTA Dry and cracked lips can be experienced every season, including in the dry season or the rainy season. Some factors cause lips not to be beautiful, including because of poor eating patterns, lack of drink, to habits that make lips dry, such as frequent kissing lips.
Rachel Nazarian, MD., a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist, said that lips are a very sensitive area of the face. Lips are considered a mukosa-smelled area whose humidity levels are different from other facial areas. It's better if the lips also absorb topical ingredients more effectively than other skins but also easily lose a lot of water. This is because the lips don't have oil glands so they will strike 10 times faster than facial skin or other body skin. To prevent dry lips and break up, you can do the following method.
Just like any other skin, lips may react with alcohol content and pewango on topical products. Many ingredients can be tolerated and have a less dry effect. For example, retinol, this material often causes dry lips and breaks even though it is applied to the skin around the lips.
Nazarian said, hot and windy weather conditions can dry and bad for lips. In a situation like this, protect your lips like using an occlusive shield.
You may hurt your lips when you feel dry. However, the saliva on the lips actually makes the lips dryer and cracked. In fact, enzymes in saliva can irritate the lips. Obviously Nazarian, this is a common problem for everyone who often plays their lips, causing irritation and tissue to damage.
Often the lips are missed for treatment. If you take care of your skin in the morning and night, don't miss lip care too. It's enough to add lip balm that moisturizes every morning and night can make a big difference in your lips. Doctor Nazarian recommends looking for ingredients from shea butter, ceramide, petroleum jelly, and mineral oil.
Breathing through the mouth is also a source of irritation to the lips. Usually when people experience nasal congestion, they will breathe through the mouth. Because by breathing through the mouth of the saliva vapor, it will move to the lips, causing the lips to dry out as much as possible. So, breathe through the nose as possible to prevent dry lips and break.
Burning sunlight is not a good thing, so wearing a protector and moisturizer containing an SPF can prevent dry and broken lips. You can use an balm lip that contains SPF 30 or higher to protect your lips from UV stings that make it dry and cracked.
Certain habits can help you prevent dry lips and break apart. Namely by drinking with straws. Drinking using a straw, Nazarian said as reported by Byrdie, Monday, October 30, the more frequent your lips come into contact with cold or hot drinks, the more layers of lip protection are lost. So for the lip protection layer to be maintained, drink it from the straw if possible, Nazarian suggested.
Those are the seven ways to prevent dry and cracked lips that can be done all the time or every season. However, if the lips are dry and cracked, they don't get better for two to three weeks, consult a certified dermatologist immediately.