PDIP Calls 'Pak Lurah' Asking For 3 Periods, PKS: Enough, Done
Secretary General of PKS Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi responded to the confession of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto regarding his party requested by 'Pak Lurah' to support the extension of the presidential term of office for 3 terms.
Aboe emphasized that the presidential term is sufficient for two terms in accordance with the law. "Oh, thank you, thank you, that's enough, we will solve it. We have a period of time according to our law, the atmosphere of democracy is running according to the year's law," Aboe told reporters in Depok, West Java, Saturday, October 28. According to Aboe, expectations and requests are permissible but must prioritize existing regulations. Even though it was forced, he said, it was legal facts that would later speak. "We hope that with this election we can, but legal facts that must speak," said Aboe.
Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that there had been a request from the party to support the extension of the term of office of President Jokowi or president for 3 terms. He called it a request for 'Pak Lurah'. However, he was reluctant to specify who the 'Mr. Lurah' was. Hasto only mentioned the maneuver of one of the ministers who once claimed to have big data about the public's desire for a presidential term to be extended.
"Previously I met the minister and it was confirmed that the attitudes of the general chairmen of several parties who voiced it, at that time it was said, yes as a request from the Lurah," said Hasto at the Borobudur hotel, Jakarta, Friday, October 27.