Prilly Latuconsina Asks Men To Avoid This If You Want To Approach Her

JAKARTA - Prilly Latuconsina doesn't seem to have a partner yet. In a podcast with Atta Halilintar, Prilly shares an accurate tip if she wants to take her heart. The first tip is to avoid meeting modes with work reasons.

"This means that the mode must be about the work of the river, right?" asked Atta Halilintar, quoted by VOI from the Need A Talk YouTube channel, Friday, October 27.

"No. In fact, don't be in the mode of work. Because sometimes when I work, I like 'oh, I have a lot of work, do you add more?'. I sometimes do that, or like, 'Oh, what are you doing to invite me to work, I'm busy working here'," answered Prilly Latuconsina.

The 27-year-old explained that at this time she did not want to add more jobs because she admitted that she had done a lot of work. Therefore, it is better for him to suggest taking him relax when he wants to approach.

"In fact, now I don't want to add to my job, so if for example people invite me to meet for work, I'm lazy. But if people invite me, 'Let's go for coffee, chill, eat, want me, because it's like 'Finally someone invites me to hang out'," added Prilly.

In addition, this Budi Pekerti film player also suggests entering into matters or activities that become his hobby, one of which is diving. For Prilly, this can also be one way to get his heart.

"Or look at my hobby of diving, I'm diving, just pretend to invite me to diving, 'oh, let's dive', 'oh, this spot is good, let's dive'," he said.