Case Files For Premeditated Murder Of Imam Masykur Submitted To Military Court II-08 Jakarta

JAKARTA The legal process against unscrupulous members of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) Praka RM from the Military Oditurat II-07 Jakarta. The Jakarta Military Court II-08 has received a case file for the murder of Imam Masykur, a cosmetic shop keeper in Rempoa, South Tangerang.

Military Oditurat II-07 Jakarta staff, First Lieutenant Kum Citra Dewi Manurung, handed over the case file to the Military Court II-08 Jakarta, Milling, Cakung, East Jakarta, Monday, October 23.

Apart from Praka RM, two other suspects suspected of premeditated murder against Imam Masykur, namely Praka HS from the Topographic Directorate of the Indonesian Army and Praka J from the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command.

Spokesman for the Military Court II-08 Jakarta, Marine Major Kum Awan Kurnia, said that the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) officers would submit files to the clerk for examination of formal and material requirements.

After being deemed complete, the file will be registered. Then, the Head of the Military Court will determine the panel of judges to try the case," he said.

The appointed panel of judges will also study the case file before setting a trial schedule.

"The panel of judges will study the case files for three days. After that, the presiding judge will determine the day of the trial. The presiding judge will consider it, basically it can't be more than seven days. Next week, God willing, the trial can be held," said Awan.

The three suspects are suspected of a combination article, namely the primary 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 55 KUHP paragraphs 1 to 1 concerning premeditated murder with a maximum threat of the death penalty.

Then the subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code concerning murder, is more subsidiary to Article 351 paragraph of the Criminal Code concerning persecution, Article 328 concerning kidnapping.

Praka RM, Praka HS, and Praka J are suspects in the kidnapping, extortion and mistreatment of H and Imam Masykur.

Masykur is an immigrant from Aceh who works as a cosmetic shopkeeper in the Rempoa area, South Tangerang, Banten, who is believed to have sold G (hard drugs) class drugs illegally.

The perpetrators kidnapped Imam Masykur from a cosmetic shop guarded around Rempoa, South Tangerang, Banten, on August 12, 2023.

In the action, the perpetrators had provoked the attention of residents around the shop, especially when they forced Imam Masykur into the car. The three soldiers also claimed to be police officers to residents.

In the vehicle, the perpetrators abused Imam Masykur while blackmailing the victim. The perpetrators had contacted the victim's family and threatened them and if they were not immediately given Rp50 million, Imam Masykur would be killed and his body thrown into the river.

The victim's family had asked the perpetrators for time, but Imam Masykur's life could not be saved. The autopsy results at the RSPAD showed Imam Masykur died due to a hard impact on the neck area resulting in a brain hemorrhage.

Throughout the action, the perpetrator abused Imam Masykur in the car. The three soldiers had stopped at the second shop and kidnapped another cosmetic shopkeeper, with the initials H. The second victim, who survived, was picked up from his shop in the Condet area, Jakarta.

The perpetrators decided to release H after panicking knowing that Imam Masykur had died. Victim H was released by the perpetrators around the Cikeas Toll Road after being also abused by Praka RM, Praka HS, and Praka J.

From the results of the reconstruction, investigators found out that Imam Masykur died while the car was passing on the Cimanggis Toll Road. The perpetrators then dumped the victim's body in the Jatiluhur Reservoir in Purwakarta until finally his body was found by residents around Karawang

The cosmetic shops guarded by H and Imam Masykur are known to be a cover for illegally selling G-class drugs (hard drugs that require a doctor's prescription).

The three soldiers are suspected by investigators to often target illegal drug shops under the guise of cosmetic shops to extort sellers or shopkeepers.